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What To Plant Together In A Square Foot Gardening

There are several reasons why companion planting is beneficial in square foot gardening. In addition to saving space, it also saves energy (once the correct soil mixture has been mixed). The suitable crops can also eliminate weeds and pests, allowing you to grow more varieties of vegetables in a limited space. It is essentially possible […]

How To Weigh Down Fake Plants

The primary purpose of weighing down a plant is to keep the stable pot in place to not break the tall pot due to a sudden hit and too much heavy wind. Weighing down fake plants offers benefits other than breakage, so less labour in cleaning and collection and less harmful to your fake plant. […]

Growing Onions From Onion Bottoms

Onions A variety of dishes can be enjoyed with onions, which are as easy to grow as they are tasty to eat. In addition, if you have another onion on hand, you don’t have to start seeds. Onions can be grown from cuttings by chopping off the bottom and planting in soil. A mature onion […]

Best plants for self-watering pots

Pots that self-water is perfect for anyone who forgets to water their plants. Plants that don’t like being watered by hand will benefit from self-watering pots. This post has tips if you have a finicky fiddle leaf fig, a sensitive succulent, or a fickle fern. There are a few plants that I’ve successfully grown in […]

How long can plants go without water

When mature plants do not receive water for a week, it is not unusual to show signs of drought. The plants can survive without water for weeks, but fruits, vegetables, and flowering plants will not. Dormant plants can last for weeks without water, while succulents can go for months without water. What kind of plants […]

How To Grow Carrots From Carrots

Growing carrot tops is a great idea! Carrot tops have fern-like foliage that looks beautiful in a container garden and are one of the easiest plants for junior gardeners to grow. Once the flowers bloom, they have lacy white petals. You will be able to grow carrot tops from carrots in just a few days […]

Different types of spider plants

Chrorophytum comosum (spider plants) comes in over 200 varieties, but you can narrow them down into two categories: variegated and non-variegated. Leaf colour and stripes are the significant differences between them. You might choose one spider plant over another based on where you want to place it. Spider plants, consisting of various species, include bonnie, […]

How To Plant Asparagus Roots In Pots

Vegetables can keep you healthy by reducing your chance of sickness. You may cook them whenever you want if you raise them yourself. You may rest confident that you will always have access to fresh veggies, in addition to saving money. Asparagus is one of the most amazing vegetables you can grow at home. It’s […]

How To Plant Gotu Kola

How To Plant Gotu Kola Introduction Gotu kola is a tropical plant that has been traditionally used for centuries in Sri Lanka, African, Indian, Asian and Southeast Asia regions. It is also considered a medicinal plant. Gotu Kola is a tropical plant that has become indigenous (naturalised) to South Africa. It is a shrub that […]

How To Plant Half Runner Beans

Introduction They’re a form of green bean that may be produced in a shorter period, ideal for those who are short on time. They’re round and tiny, and you can eat them either way. They’re a common pole bean variety. This kind of bean is known as “runner bean” or “Bush bean” because it spreads […]