How To Plant Asparagus Roots In Pots

Vegetables can keep you healthy by reducing your chance of sickness. You may cook them whenever you want if you raise them yourself. You may rest confident that you will always have access to fresh veggies, in addition to saving money.

Asparagus is one of the most amazing vegetables you can grow at home. It’s highly nutritious, diverse, and relatively simple to grow!

This delicious produce has a limited season and might be expensive at the grocery or farm shop. Asparagus is a hardy perennial vegetable that may live for up to 25 years and is simple to grow and manage. Asparagus may be produced from seed, bare-root crowns (one year old), or crowns two to three years old.

Asparagus, once planted, may produce a harvest for several years. You can still grow asparagus in pots if you don’t have the room in your yard for one.

Growing asparagus in pots is possible, but there are some considerations.

Growing asparagus in a pot, the larger the container, the better. Although container-grown asparagus does not have the same durability or yield as garden-grown plants, you may harvest a small crop if you choose the correct container and provide the right conditions.

Let’s have a look at how to grow asparagus roots in pots.

Let’s get this party started;

Benefits Of Growing Asparagus In Pots

While growing asparagus in pots saves space, it shortens its lifespan. Gardeners should expect just two to four seasons of genuine asparagus harvests after the establishing phase has passed when growing asparagus in a planter.

Sure, it’s convenient and flexible. We enjoy asparagus, but we don’t want it to take up too much space in our vegetable garden. We want to be agile with our garden plantings. Asparagus thrives when planted and left alone.

Asparagus is a perennial vegetable that takes at least two years to develop and mature, so it needs a permanent garden landscape. The majority of containers are insufficient for growing asparagus. As a result, asparagus is rarely suggested for container gardening.

According to the University of California, each plant produces roughly 1/2 pound of asparagus spears per year, so plan on planting five to twenty plants per person.

Considerations To Keep In Mind Before Planting Asparagus Roots In Pots

There are many considerations you have to keep in mind, actually. You can’t just put some roots or crowns or roots in the soil and hope that you will have a great harvest. Keep the below-mentioned considerations in mind.

  • Place your plants in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. As soon as possible, plant them. Allowing the roots to dry out is not a good idea.
  • Before digging the hole and planting, the fertiliser for the asparagus should be well mixed into the soil. Asparagus fertiliser can burn fragile roots if it comes into close contact with them.
  • Growth is aided by enough light and air circulation provided by broad spacing. Allow 12″ to 14″ between crowns and four feet between rows while making crowns. Avoid the urge to put the crowns too close together.
  • The majority of containers are insufficient for growing asparagus. According to NC State Extension, the fern-like foliage grows to heights of 3 to 5 feet and widths of 1 1/2 to 3 feet. As a result, asparagus is rarely suggested for container gardening.
  • Asparagus grows well when planted directly in the ground or in a huge raised bed with plenty of space if you have the space in your garden. Because of the plant’s lifespan is critical to carefully examine your planting site.
  • At the end of the season, wait until the old ferns are totally dead before cutting them back. Nutrients travel from the withering ferns to the crown in the fall. Removing the ferns too soon weakens the crown, reducing the size and quantity of spears in the following spring.
  • In the spring, asparagus is planted. The most straightforward approach is planting one-year-old crowns acquired from local garden dealers or home garden catalogues. Even though the young crown seems to be a dead mess of stringy roots, it will soon begin to send up little green shoots (spears) after planting.

Best Time For Growing Asparagus

In a sunny, nutrient-rich, well-drained location, plant asparagus in the spring or fall. Asparagus takes several seasons to grow, but it will produce a crop for 15 to 30 years, so pick a planting place that will remain undisturbed for an extended period.

Asparagus needs at least 8 hours of direct sunlight each day to thrive. Because asparagus is a long-lived perennial, avoid planting it in areas where trees or tall bushes may shade it or compete for nutrients and water.

Depending on your preference, most asparagus types may be ordered for spring or fall planting. In the spring, gardeners have traditionally planted bare-root asparagus crowns. However, you may plant them in the fall when the soil is warmer, giving your plants an advantage in establishing.

How To Plant Asparagus Roots In Pots

The best way to grow asparagus is to plant it in your yard. However, contrary to common opinion, asparagus may be grown well in containers.

Here’s how you cultivate them:

Step 1: Pot and Soil

Asparagus grows best on well-drained soils with a pH of 6.5 to 7.0. It will not survive in soils that are too acidic. It may grow in various soil types, including heavy, medium, and sandy soils, as long as they are well-drained and do not retain water after rain.

Asparagus spears may be produced at room temperature. Use a large container that is 7 to 8 inches deep and at least 3 to 6 feet wide to accommodate the plant’s mature size. Container-grown asparagus may be grown indoors in a sunny window if you don’t have much outside space.

Plant the asparagus crown into the container according to the instructions on the package, generally 4 to 6 inches deep (10-15 cm.). Gravel should cover the bottom of the container by 2 inches (5 cm). Fill the remaining area with a potting soil and compost combination of a good grade.

You may choose from a variety of container materials. You must, however, choose ones with holes in the bottom. Otherwise, you’ll have to make irrigation holes. Consider a planter.

Step 2: Choose Right Spot For Growing Asparagus In Pots

Because asparagus need eight or more hours of sunlight every day, choose a bright and sunny location. Choose a covered area with some filtered midday shade if you live in a microclimate with hot, dry summers. Once the container is packed with soil, it will be too heavy to transfer.

Make the most of the bright sunshine. Growing plants in containers allow you to move the pot if you find you aren’t getting enough sunlight where you started. Although asparagus can take some shade, it likes to be in direct sunlight. Before planting, the overall soil condition must be assessed, and the availability of sufficient sunlight.

As long as the asparagus plants have good drainage and soil moisture during the growing season, they will thrive. Full-sun settings produce the finest harvests, although asparagus plants may also grow in mild shade. Asparagus should be planted in an area of the garden that has never been farmed before…

The first year after planting, you can harvest a few spears from each plant. Pick for two weeks, then take a break to let the fronds unfold and begin to nourish the root system. The following year, harvest for three weeks and then for four to six weeks the following year.

So, selecting the right spot is very crucial.

Step 3: Prepare Asparagus Roots

Although asparagus is commonly grown from one-year crowns, it may also be grown from seed. It’s not difficult to grow asparagus from seed; it only adds a year to the wait before you can start harvesting.

Male asparagus spears are thicker, making them ideal for cooking. Male variants, such as Jersey types, are available. Male asparagus crowns are desirable, although male hybrids are also available. You do not need to be concerned if you are unsure how to distinguish between the two.

Let’s get to know how to prepare the roots before planting them in pots;

  • To guarantee that the bare-root asparagus roots are well-nourished, remove the asparagus crowns from the bundle and soak them in water for 15-30 minutes before planting.
  • To plant asparagus crowns, dig trenches 12 inches wide and 6 inches deep (8 inches in sandy soil) down the centre of the prepared area. Space the crowns 112 to 2 feet apart in the trenches and cover them with 2 to 3 inches of earth.
  • The crowns should be covered with compost and earth and buried two inches deep. Fill the trench with 2 additional inches of the earth as the season progresses. The spears reach 2 to 3 inches, being cautious not to completely bury the spears.

Step 4: Planting in Pot

Although planting asparagus crowns is more convenient, growing asparagus from seeds is also a rewarding experience. If you want to start growing asparagus from seeds, do the following preparations:

  • Fill the seedling dish with seed-starting soil to the brim. The majority of the combination comprises coconut husk or coir, perlite, and organic compost. One compartment may house three seeds without becoming overcrowded. So, with your fingers, make three evenly spaced holes in the soil of each compartment and drop the seeds in.
  • Depending on when the seeds were collected, it might take 2 to 8 weeks for them to sprout. Likely, asparagus seeds that have been plucked and stored indoors for a long time will take longer to grow than those put on the shelf for a shorter period.
  • Shoots should grow within a week of seeding. Allow the plants to develop and establish themselves throughout the first two seasons. Mulching around the plants helps to keep the soil moist and weeds at bay.

You may leave the pots outside in the autumn and winter because these perennials are hardy. Dormant plants will begin to emerge anew when the weather warms up in the spring.

Common Problems With Asparagus Plant

Asparagus trees are well-known for their durability and ease of care. They seldom present perplexing issues for gardeners. However, specific common issues, such as leaf yellowing, may arise.

  • It’s critical to use suitable soil for the asparagus bed. Because asparagus crops are heavy feeders and stay in situ for an extended period, the soil must be light, loose, and high in nutrients. They have a deep root system that develops while they are still young.
  • When asparagus plants are frost-damaged, this is a regular occurrence. They bloom in the spring and continue to bloom throughout the summer and fall. They will, however, frost once winter arrives. Plants get dark and begin to have and topple.
  • When it comes to asparagus plants, you don’t want to have a dry atmosphere around them. The asparagus plants will turn yellow and droop or wilt if there isn’t enough humidity.
  • Open sores on the asparagus spears change from tan to brown, indicating a fungal infection. The brown lesions will harm the damaged plant as they increase and grow. The illness will eventually induce defoliation. Purple spots may wreak havoc on the plant’s spears, destroying 60 to 90%.
  • As soon as asparagus shoots sprout in the spring, the asparagus beetle may attack them. Beetles devour shoots and leaves but are most destructive when they nibble the ends of buds, scarring and discolouring them. Hundreds of eggs laid by these beetles may blacken asparagus stems during dry seasons.


How deep do you plant asparagus roots?

Where the crowns are planted, dig a 12-inch-wide by 12-inch-deep trench. Asparagus rows should be at least 2 feet apart to fit two rows in a 4-foot broad bed.

How to determine Female Asparagus?

Asparagus is a dioecious plant, which means it has male and female plants. Male plants generate asparagus spears that are thicker and longer than female plants. Male plants also have more extensive and more extended blooms than female plants. Female asparagus flower seeds resemble little red berries.

Can asparagus roots be transplanted?

Answer: While asparagus may be transplanted throughout its dormancy, the best time is early spring, just as the plants are beginning to wake up. Asparagus is difficult to transplant due to its complicated root structure since the intertwined roots are tough to extract.

Closing Words

When the roots develop deeper, the fertiliser for asparagus will become available, giving them a big boost. All that’s left now is to maintain the facilities running well for the next two to three years. There’s a strong chance you’ll get a show-stopping bloom.

Transplant them into little pots after your asparagus seedlings have at least two genuine leaves. Put various types of asparagus in your container garden if you want asparagus all year. When starting with seeds, it’s best to have a head start on the season by starting early in the spring.

Now, as previously said, sow your seeds softly to reap the benefits.

Best regards!!