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How To Plant Gotu Kola

How To Plant Gotu Kola


Gotu kola is a tropical plant that has been traditionally used for centuries in Sri Lanka, African, Indian, Asian and Southeast Asia regions. It is also considered a medicinal plant.

Gotu Kola is a tropical plant that has become indigenous (naturalised) to South Africa.

It is a shrub that thrives in moist, shady areas. It is also known as c Asiatica, Centella Asiatica, or Indian pennywort.

Gotu kola is a plant that is easy to grow and has a lot of health benefits. It is known for its many health benefits and has been used to treat various conditions, including anxiety, depression, fatigue, memory loss, and insomnia. That’s why houseplant lovers like to add them to their garden.

On the other hand, Gotu kola is a herb that can be used. The plant’s leaves can be brewed into a tea or added to other herbal teas. Gotu kola plants increase, reaching up to 3 feet (1 meter), and can be quickly grown from seeds or cuttings.

Gotu kola is a new and environmentally friendly herb that can be grown in your garden or pots. This article will show the most straightforward process of planting the Gotu Kola plant on your own. So without wasting time, let’s get started.

Benefit Of Planting A Gotu Kola Plant

Gotu kola is a plant in the coffee family, and it is native to Indonesia. The plant has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various illnesses. Gotu kola has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and other traditional healing systems in India, China, and Tibet.

It is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful for people with arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. It has also been used to treat skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

This herb is commonly found in India and has been used to treat various health conditions, including digestive disorders, malnutrition, infections, fatigue & more. It can also be applied topically to help with dry skin and other ills.

When the plant is young, the leaves are edible and have a lemony taste, and for this, the leaves are also used in salad dressings to add flavour to the greens. Gotu kola benefits include enhancing the immune system, improving blood circulation, and preventing premature ageing.

Also, this exiting plant can be taken in a variety of forms, including capsules and tablets. Indeed, you will benefit from Gotu Kola in many ways, and now you might fall in love with them to plant. So plant them properly, as we say.

Planting Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola plants are easy to grow and maintain. They can be planted in any type of soil. It can be planted anywhere from the ground up to 3 feet. Let’s get down with our main event and learn how to plant the Gotu Kola.

Step 1: Prepare The Seed And Fill The Pot With Proper Mixture

Place a handful of Gotu kola seeds into a bowl of water, and the Gotu kola seed can be prepared by soaking them in water overnight or boiling them for about 10 minutes and then soaking them in the water again. 

The process of soaking the seed in water is an ancient practice that has been used to increase the germination rate.

Rinse your Gotu kola seeds with cold water and dry them off with a towel before proceeding to step two. Rinsing your seed before planting it in your garden is a good idea because it removes the outer layers of dirt and other unwanted substances accumulated on the seed, which could hinder its growth.

The soil must be adequately prepared before planting Gotu kola seeds, as this plant does not grow well in poor soil conditions. To prepare the soil for Gotu kola planting, you need to first prepare your garden bed by removing all weeds and debris before adding compost or manure to the soil.

The soil should be moist but not wet, and it should have a pH level of between 6 and 7. Then add lime or wood ash to help with the pH balance. Also, check to see that the container has a drainage hole in the bottom of the container.

After planting, make sure to water the area thoroughly. After that, rinse the soil as often as necessary to maintain it uniformly and continuously moist.

Step 2: Plant The Seeds In The Soil

Gotu kola is often planted in the soil to grow roots deep into the ground. The Gotu kola seed should be planted at least two inches deep into the soil and then covered with about an inch of soil. This ensures that it will have enough nutrients for itself, its leaves, flowers, and fruits.

On the other hand, it is essential to plant them apart and not too close when planting Gotu kola seeds. When they are too close, they can be crowded and not get enough sunlight. Gotu kola seeds need to be planted about 4cm apart to grow well.

Step 3: Water Thoroughly

Gotu kola seeds are a popular plant used to treat depression and anxiety. They need water to grow correctly. Gotu kola seeds need to be watered daily. If you don’t water them, they will die in a few days.

Some people follow the instructions on the package and water their Gotu kola seeds twice a day, while others water them once a day. If you’re wondering how frequently you should hydrate your Gotu kola plants once they’ve been planted, the answer is

  • once a week for 3-4 weeks
  •  twice a week for 4-6 weeks
  • once a week for 6-8 weeks
  • once every two weeks for 8-10 weeks
  • finally once every three months or so.

If the soil is dry, water it and let it soak in for a few hours before watering again. This will ensure that the roots have time to drink up the water.

Step 4: Transplant Them into Another Large Pot

The germination process of Gotu kola can take up to two weeks. This makes it difficult for some people to grow this plant in their homes or gardens. Additionally, its roots are pretty large and deep, making them difficult to transplant.

The seeds are tiny and can be found on the underside of the leaves. They germinate quickly, making ideal candidates for transplanting into other pots or containers when they need more space because of their growing size.

It’s best to transplant your germinated Gotu kola seed when it reaches about 2 inches or three weeks after planting them in its final pot or container. Many people do not realise that it is best to transplant plants at least 3 inches deep.

Too often, people forget about this crucial step and end up with less healthy plants and wasted time. But it is best to transplant plants at least 3 inches deep.

Growing Tips To Get Your Gotu Kola Plants Healthy

Gotu Kola is a great plant to cultivate since it requires little light and little maintenance. So, to develop a healthy Gotu Kola, there is some advice that may be suited for providing your Gotu Kola with a healthy and calm environment-

Fertilise Your Gotu Kola

Gotu kola is an easy-to-care-for plant that can survive in low light, but it needs some help from you to stay healthy. Gotu kola plants need regular fertilisation, but not too much.

When fertilising your Gotu kola plant, it should be done about once a month during the year’s warmer months or about every three weeks during the colder months. Gotu kola is a plant that needs to be given the right fertiliser to grow well.

It requires specific nutrients to grow and thrive. Many people use organic fertilisers like compost or manure, but these are not suitable for plants planted outdoors as they quickly decompose. The right fertiliser for Gotu kola will help it grow well, improve its appearance and smell, and increase its resistance to pests and diseases.

Water Properly

Gotu kola needs plenty of water throughout the day to stay healthy. It should be watered at least once every two days or more if it looks like it needs it. It is also water-soluble, so it should be watered when the soil is dry to the touch.

The plant should be watered every day during the summer months and every two days during the winter months. The main target here is to keep moist soil.

If you have to water more often, make sure that the plant is in its pot and not in a container with soil. Make sure that the soil is kept moist but not soggy. So Watering Gotu kola too much will cause the plant’s roots to rot and die off because of excess moisture on its leaves.

Ensure Proper Sunlight

Gotu kola needs a lot of sunlight to grow properly. It should be placed in a sunny spot where it can receive at least six hours of sunlight every day.

So it is recommended that you place your Gotu kola plant in an area where it will get full sunlight for at least six hours a day. On the other hand, Gotu kola is a flowering plant that can grow in the shade.

Gotu Kola facing sunlight

However, it needs direct sunlight to produce flowers and leaves. If you want to grow this type of plant in your garden, ensure that you provide it with enough sunlight.

Ensure Proper Temperature

To grow Gotu kola plants, you need to ensure that the temperature inside the container is not too high or too low. Too high temperatures can damage the leaves and roots of the plant, while too low temperatures can cause them to die.

It would be best to ensure that there is enough humidity in the container so that water doesn’t evaporate from your plant’s leaves. The right temperature for the Gotu Kola plant is between 10-15 degrees Celsius. The plant can survive at these temperatures for about three weeks.

Ensure Proper Drainage Hole

The Gotu kola plant is a type of flowering plant that is often grown indoors. It requires proper watering and drainage to thrive. So it would be best if you were watered frequently and should have a drainage hole in the container.

On the other hand, to ensure the proper temperature for your should Gotu kola plant container, you need to ensure that the drainage holes are correctly placed. It would be best if you wondered if Gotu kola roots should be planted in soil that drains well and doesn’t stay wet for more than two hours. If the soil stays wet for longer than two hours or more, it can cause the roots to rot.

Mulch Your Gotu Kola

Gotu kola is a perennial herb that thrives in tropical climates and needs lots of light for growth. It likes humidity and does not like to be overwatered or overwatered.

Another side, It’s not necessary to mulch your Gotu kola plant because it will thrive on the soil underneath the leaves. However, if you would like to use a mulch to help retain moisture and keep the soil from drying out too quickly, you can place a layer of moss or sawdust on top of your plants.


What is the purpose of Gotu kola extract?

Syphilis, hepatitis, stomach ulcers, mental tiredness, epilepsy, diarrhoea, fever, wound healing, and asthma has all been treated with Gotu kola. Today, Gotu kola is most often used in the United States and Europe to treat varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency, a disease in which blood pools in the legs.

Can you grow Gotu kola from leaves?

When the tiny plants have at least one set of real leaves – the leaves that appear after the tiny seedling leaves are transplanted into individual containers. Allow Gotu kola plants to mature for several months before planting them in the garden once you’re sure that all threat of frost has passed, which may take several months.

How do you make money plant leaves bigger?

Direct and indirect light sources will aid your money plant’s growth. As a result, money plant requires bright light but not direct sunshine, as the high temperatures associated with quick temperature changes would cause leaf burn in the plant.

Is Gotu kola good for hair growth?

Gotu kola (Centella Asiatica) is a plant used to treat hair loss and promote hair growth. Various studies are believed to lengthen hair and encourage hair growth, probably improving blood circulation to the scalp. Gotu kola is one of the most widely used Ayurvedic herbs globally.


These are the ways to plant the Gotu Kola. It’s your time to follow all the maintenance, recommendations, and advice. After that, leave your questions in the comment section.

Good Luck!!