How To Plant Dawn Redwood Seeds

Giant redwood trees, which can be found in abundance in the woods of Northern California, can grow to be more than 300 feet tall. The majestic redwoods provide lovely shade and serve as a haven for various wildlife. It is best to produce conditions comparable to those found in the forest understory, where redwood seedlings would naturally grow to cultivate healthy redwoods.

Dawn Redwood is a magnificent tree, but it is notoriously tough to cultivate, so tricky that even specialists have difficulty with them, and you may find yourself in this exact situation. However, a tree of this type can be grown with patience, effort, and the proper knowledge.

To thrive in these conditions, they must be protected by clouds to survive this region’s hot, dry summers. It is undeniably true that growing a redwood tree from seed is a pleasurable and satisfying activity. Once your redwood seeds have germinated and the seedling has grown to a suitable size, it will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent location in the ground.

Growing Dawn Redwood from seed can indeed be challenging, but don’t worry because, in this tutorial, we will walk you through starting a Dawn Redwood plant from seed, which will assist you throughout the process. So, without further ado, let’s get this party started.


How To Dawn Redwood seeds

The following section will learn how to plant Dawn Redwood seeds. Below are step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Prepare The Planting Soil

Fill a peat pot halfway with potting soil of superior grade. In a peat pot, sow 20 redwood seeds 1/8 of an inch thick at most minuscule and space them evenly apart. It is preferable to use a flat container with a depth of 6 inches since these deep flats allow the seeds to germinate and develop long roots before being transplanted.

The soil must be blended with 50 % organic nutrient-rich topsoil, 25 % perlite, 20 % coconut coir, 3% compost, 1 % Down-to-Earth acid fertiliser mix, and 1% mycorrhizal or fertilizer mix, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. The addition of perlite to soil improves drainage, while coir, which acts as a sponge to hold moisture, keeps the soil medium moist.

Using a similar soil mix, we propose that you plant your seeds. The most critical qualities of the soil mix are that it retains moisture while being well-draining, is slightly acidic (PH of 5.5 to 6.5), and is nutrient-rich.

Step 2: Plant The Seeds And Cover Up The Container

Before planting seeds, keep in mind that the seeds should be soaked in clean water for at least 24 hours before being planted. To prepare the seeds for planting, they must be placed in or on non-soil growing media, such as a damp paper towel, after the water has been drained.

Because redwood seeds require light to germinate, it is necessary to plant them shallowly for them to germinate. When planting, fill your pot halfway with the soil mix, leaving at least 12″ of room at the top of the container for the plant to grow.

The second pair of hands, Dawn Because redwood seeds have a poor germination rate, it is vital to sow them densely to ensure success. So remember to sow around 12 seeds for every 3 square inches of available surface area.

After you have correctly planted your seeds, lightly dust the tops of the seeds with soil that is roughly 1/8″ to 1 1/4″ thick. Once this is done, apply a thin layer of perlite to the entire surface of the pot to keep it from deteriorating further. After you have completed the entire planting process, you must place the plants in a re-sealable plastic bag to maintain the moisture in the soil.

Planting-dawn- redwood-seeds

Step 3: Ensure Proper Conditions For Better Germination

After planting the seeds, make sure the seed pots are put in an area that will receive direct sunshine, as redwood seeds require direct sunlight to germinate well. Maintain a constant moisture level in the soil medium, but not dripping wet, throughout the growing season.

The seedlings may become weakened due to an excessive amount of moisture, making them more susceptible to infection. Also, avoid over-watering them because over-watering can lead them to perish.

The optimal temperature for seed germination is 67 degrees Fahrenheit, and if the winter is particularly long and moist, the seeds will take longer to germinate than they would otherwise. In contrast, germination should occur within one month in another situation.

Keep in mind that throughout the hot spring and summer months, the seedling will need to be maintained in a shady spot to prevent it from scorching.

Step 4: Transplant Another larger Pot After Full Germination

When the tree reaches a few inches tall, transfer the peat pot to a larger container filled with more potting soil and water. Maintain the same watering routine as before, and mist your plant frequently. Don’t let it get too dry.

At the same time, avoid overwatering the plant. Plant and soil should be kept moist. However, the exposed plant will dry up more quickly than the soil that holds in the moisture from the rain.

Analyse the root to see if it has reached the bottom of the container. If this is the case, the seedling will need to be transplanted into a larger pot, and it may take longer than four months to reach the roots at the bottom, after which they will need to transplant the seedling into a tree pot or another container that allows for long roots to form.

After that, the question is: how far down do you need to dig while transplanting your plant? The size of the hole changes depending on how big your tree has gotten. Make the hole deep and wide enough to accommodate the roots’ weight without causing them to bow.

Caring Tips Of Dawn Redwood For Ensure Better Health

If you want to keep your Dawn Redwood after planting them, you should follow some regular care tips. Here are some tips on caring for plants that will help you succeed.


If the dawn redwood is planted in alkaline or dry soil, it will struggle to thrive. The dawn redwood is highly adaptable, growing in various soil types, including acidic, loamy, damp, sandy, well-drained, wet, and clay.

Even though it favours damp circumstances, the tree can endure occasional floods and is somewhat drought resistant. The soil pH can be changed if it is slightly alkaline, though it may be necessary to repeat the treatment several times.

If the soil is highly alkaline, it will be more difficult to change its pH, and the difficulty will rise if the soil is quite alkaline.


Dawn redwood does not grow well in dry soil, and it grows best when exposed to direct sunlight. Because of its size, the dawn redwood requires a location with direct sunlight; otherwise, it will outgrow and shade out the other trees in its immediate proximity. As a result, provide full sun to soft shade unless you want your trees to grow thin and lean from too much shade.

Planting and spacing

At maturity, the dawn redwood grows to 70–100 feet and has spread approximately 25 feet, so it is easy to picture how quickly its root system expands. Despite their massive size and remarkable growth, Dawn redwood tree roots do not penetrate far into the soil.

They usually grow inside the first 36 inches of earth, although their roots can extend well beyond the width of their crown. As a result, plant trees at least 25 feet apart to ensure adequate space to grow and absorb enough nutrients without being overcrowded.


It can thrive in loamy, wet soils. Provide at least 1 inch of water per week to the entire area under the branch canopy, which can be a considerable amount of space in some cases.

Large trees will be able to absorb a significant amount of water quickly. Our advice is to water anytime the soil feels dry to the touch unless you want to risk getting wilted leaves due to overwatering.

Wilted leaves are a clear indication of a dry Redwood. After watering, it should begin to brighten up. Overwatering can also result in the death of a redwood tree and the spread of disease.



Dawn redwoods do not require fertilisation; nevertheless, fertiliser can be used to promote healthy, green foliage and robust root systems to maximise their growth. Fertiliser can also help to reduce some difficulties.

Using high-phosphorus fertilisers on your dawn redwood will encourage new root growth if the tree has developed root diseases due to soil compaction. In contrast, a once-a-year application of an iron-rich fertiliser into the soil around the tree is recommended in more barren soils.

Mix the liquid fertiliser with water and apply it to the plant in the same manner as the water. This procedure should be carried out three or four times a year, beginning in late April and finishing in mid-July.


How long does it take for a dawn redwood to grow?

Like other varieties of sequoias, the dawn redwood is a large tree that may grow to heights of over 100 feet in as little as 50 years, with some trees reaching as high as 160 feet in their lifetime. Young trees have a pyramidal shape, but their shape becomes more rounded and spread out as they grow older.

Is dawn redwood a solid redwood?

Dawn Redwoods are just three species of redwood that can be found in the wild. Coast Redwoods can be seen growing throughout the Pacific coast from Southern Oregon to Central California, living up to their name. On the other hand, Giant Sequoias can be found in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California.

Why is my dawn redwood turning brown?

Redwood trees are subject to a canker disease known as redwood canker or iridium canker, which affects the trunks and branches of the trees. Flagged branches or isolated branches on which entire foliage goes brown while neighboring branches retain their green appearance are caused by fungal pathogens of the Seiridium genus. This illness is caused by fungal pathogens of the Seiridium genus.

Why do redwoods not burn?

The thick bark of the coast redwood, which has deep grooves running vertically along the tree, is a highly significant adaptation for the tree. This bark provides the redwoods with their fire-resistance property, as previously stated. Older trees can withstand fires because their bark is thick and acts as a fireproof shell, allowing them to survive.

Final Words

Planting Dawn Redwood Seeds can be accomplished in several ways.

There is a one- to two-month germination period for seeds. Even though the trees enjoy the full sun for at least six hours a day, seedlings must be introduced gradually. The seedlings should also not be overwatered or underwatered.

It’s all it needs is a little more attention and nourishment.

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