Mosquito-Repelling Plants

Many people don’t realize mosquito-repelling plants are a natural alternative to chemical repellents such as sprays, bracelets, candles, and bug zappers. Keeping mosquitoes away in your yard and near your favorite outdoor seating areas is key to enjoying an itch and illness-free summer.

A great deal of insect-repelling plants produces fragrant scents throughout your garden while effectively repelling mosquitoes. Additionally, this is a much more eco-friendly approach as opposed to infesting your garden with chemical bug spray while also protecting common sitting areas in your yard.



There are many reasons why Eucalyptus should be included in your yard, deck, or patio because they repel mosquitoes and are pleasant to look at. The eucalyptus plant is native to Australia and is not suited to cold weather because it is a tropical plant. The eucalyptus plant can be grown in a pot and brought indoors during the winter if you live in a climate with colder winters. Rich soil and proper sunlight are ideal conditions for this plant.


There are a variety of flowers you can grow as annuals, like marigolds, that emit an odor that keeps mosquitoes away. During the summer and fall, you can plant them in pots to keep insects out of your house and to grow in the larger pots throughout the year. There are also many vegetable gardens and borders that include marigolds as a popular addition. In addition to being able to keep mosquitoes away, marigolds are also able to deter aphids, thrips, whiteflies, Mexican bean beetles, squash bugs, and tomato hornworms from taking up residence on your plants.


In Catnip and Catmint, Nepetalactone, a chemical in the leaves that attracts cats, repels mosquitoes instead. Nepetalactone has been shown to be more effective than DEET (an active ingredient present in most mosquito repelling products) at repelling mosquitoes. During the Spring and Fall, both nepeta plants produce pretty spikes of flowers (white on catnip and lavender on catmint) that are both attractive. The plant, one of the most resilient perennials on the planet, does best in full sunlight; the soil should dry out a little between waterings to enable the plant to thrive.


There are clusters of fuzzy, small purple blooms on the ageratum, which is also known by its common name, floss flower. In addition to being an annual that grows low, floss flowers also secrete coumarin, a chemical that mosquitoes are attracted to because it is extremely toxic to them. If you would like to grow it in a sunny location in soil that drains well – water it regularly in order to prevent the soil from drying out.


The citronella candle may seem familiar to you, but what you may not be aware of is that the citronella candle’s strong fragrance is derived from the leaves of the citronella plant, which is also known as the mosquito plant because it is very offensive to mosquitoes. Citronella plants repel mosquitoes by having a grassy appearance, are fairly drought resistant, prefer afternoon shade and grow well in two types of soil: rich, fast-draining soil and soil that is moist to wet. Since the plant doesn’t come back after frosty weather, it is generally regarded as an annual.


The rosemary herb is also very effective at repelling mosquitoes. There is no doubt that rosemary is a herb that many of us are familiar with, a plant that has a woody scent that keeps mosquitoes and other pests such as cabbage moths, carrot flies, and cabbage worms away.

It may be best to plant them in containers if you live in an area that has a cold winter because they thrive in hot, dry climates. They make wonderful borders and decorations and can also be pruned into any shape or size. If you enjoy the scent of the herb and use it to season your food while the pests are kept away, you will be able to enjoy the herb’s benefits.

Lemon Balm

Citrusy lemon balm resembles mint, and mosquitoes hate its citrusy smell. You can make a deliciously lemon-tasting herb tea by brewing its dry leaves, which make a wonderful, soothing drink that helps induce sleep when allowed to dry. Ensure that the soil is moist but not soggy so that these anti-mosquito plants will grow as best as possible in a partially shaded spot.


As well as being a pest repellent herb, basil is another herb that can be used as a pesticide as well. Pests are kept away from basil plants by the pungent smell that these leaves emit. The best part is that all types of basil are known to repel flies and mosquitoes, so you don’t have to worry about finding the right type of basil to grow in your garden. Keeping it damp, ensuring good drainage, and giving it plenty of sunlight are all important factors. As long as both plants meet the same requirements, it doesn’t matter if you are going to plant basil in containers or in the garden, either alone or with other flowers.


Adding fennel to a garden can add texture and definition to the space because of its wide, fern-like shoots. The herb does not attract mosquitoes, but it can serve as a shelter for the larvae of swallowtail butterflies, which breed on this herb. A perennial, the fennel can be grown in most parts of the country provided it has fertile soil and at least 6 hours of sun per day.


Peppermint is a great herb to add to your garden if you are looking for a mosquito-repellent one. In common with most mint family members, Peppermint’s scent causes mosquitoes to stay away as a result of its natural repellent properties. With the versatility of this perennial herb, it can be used in a variety of ways for cooking and baking: it can be dried for tea, dropped into lemonade and cocktails, shredded for Asian dishes, and salads, or chopped to give fruit salad a bit more zip. There are a few ways you can make Peppermint more manageable, and one is by placing it in a large container, situating it in a partly shady area, and watering it continuously to prevent it from drying out.

American Beautyberry

Its gorgeous, purple berry clusters are perfect for attracting songbirds as well as keeping mosquitoes away. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family, and, unlike mint, it doesn’t like the aroma of the oils that it lets off, which makes it repellent to mosquitoes. A sunny location with well-draining soil with a light shade is ideal for American beautyberries to grow.


As its name suggests, lemongrass is a popular ingredient in Asian cooking. It appears as a tall clump of grass and has a strong lemon flavor and fragrance that gives it its quite distinct appearance. This citrus fragrance will make your kitchen smell great, but mosquitoes hate the smell of it because it is so strong. Make sure this annual has full sun, fertilize it with emulsion fish or general fertilizer every few weeks, and keep it moist.


A strong fragrance released by these bulbs repels mosquitoes. These bulbs include garlic and onions. This plant is especially beloved for its globe-shaped flowers that seem to float on long slender stems as if they were floating in the air.



This beautiful flowering perennial is commonly called bee balm and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds while repelling mosquitoes with its minty-herbal fragrance. Despite its preference for full sun, bee balm will benefit from afternoon shade in hotter climates. For the flowers to last until the fall, the soil should be kept moist, and the deadheading should be performed regularly.

Lantana Camara

You might want to consider planting Lantana Camara (common lantana) if you’re looking for ways to keep mosquitoes away from your property. The plants that are used to kill mosquitoes are also very well-liked by pollinators, so you will also find that you can attract hummingbirds and butterflies to your garden area by using these plants. The plant is commonly grown as an annual in cold climates, but it can also thrive as a perennial in warmer climates. A full sun location, arid or semi-arid soil and arid or semiarid soil are the best conditions for this plant, although it can tolerate different soil types as well.


Insects, mosquitoes, flies, and ants are easily discouraged with mint, an excellent nontoxic option. In general, the stronger the aroma, the fewer bugs there will be in your home. If you want to enjoy a few leaves of this plant with your afternoon tea, you can keep a pot of it on your patio in a place where it can be easily accessed. A natural pest control method that can be used inside your home is by drying the leaves and using them as a natural pest control method.


Plant some sage next to your fire pit if it is something you love to gather around in your backyard. In the event that you throw some of this plant into the fire, its earthy smell will be able to keep the bugs away. A homemade bug spray can also be made from dried sage, which can be dried and used as a cooking ingredient.

Other Natural Mosquito-Repelling Methods

To prevent mosquito infestations in your garden, in addition to growing the plants listed above, it is also a good idea to practice good mosquito control. A good way to prevent mosquitoes from breeding is by preventing water from collecting and becoming stagnant. Even a tiny amount of standing water can be enough for mosquitoes to lay hundreds of eggs. If you have standing water anywhere on your property – rain barrels, birdbaths, water gardens, ponds – mosquito rings can be attached to them anywhere you have standing water. As a result of their natural ingredients, they contain a bacterium (Bt israelensis) that is capable of killing mosquito larvae.

In addition to these natural products, there are other products that can be used in your garden to help ward off mosquitoes. The products that can be sourced from these plants include citronella torches, candles, as well as essential oils.


There are many diseases that have been transmitted through mosquitoes throughout the years, such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, and, more recently, the  West Nile and Zika virus infections.. The problem with mosquitoes isn’t just about the annoyance or the itchy bite, it’s about your family and pets being exposed to a health risk. It is important to plant natural mosquito repellants in the garden in order to keep your family safe from mosquitoes. Never worry about staying outdoors in the summer again—beautiful plants in the garden can also be your mosquito repellant!