Make the Most of Your Hanging Plants in Low Light Environments

Hanging Plants

A hanging plant is a type of plant that can be grown in a hanging basket or by attaching it to the ceiling of a room. They are also called potted plants.

Hanging plants come in different shapes and sizes, ranging from small to large and tall to short. They come in colours like red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, and brown.

There are many ways to grow them, too – indoors or outdoors as well as on the ground or hanging from the ceiling.

The Pros of Having A Hanging Plant

Hanging Plants

1. Fewer Soil Problems

Soil problems are the most common problems in gardens. They are caused by too much soil and too little drainage.

The hanging plant is a type of succulent plant grown for centuries as an ornamental plant in gardens. It is a trendy garden plant, and it can be grown indoors and outdoors.

Fewer soil problems are one of the advantages of having a hanging plant. It seems like a great idea to have a hanging plant in our office and to keep it out of the way.

2. No Worrisome Pets

Plants are a great way to make your office look beautiful. Hanging plants help us to keep our office environment clean and tidy.

The hanging plant also helps in reducing the risk of getting pricked by insects, which are known to be dangerous for humans and pets alike.

3. It Is Easy to Access

The hanging plant is one of the most popular plants in our homes and gardens. It is easy to access as it doesn’t require any special tools. This makes it an ideal plant for those who have small spaces or limited space.

The hanging plant is an excellent example of an adaptable and sustainable plant that can be used in any environment.

The hanging plant grows well in both indoor and outdoor environments so it can be grown in a wide variety of climates, from temperate regions to tropical ones, with no need for special conditions or care.

Hanging Plants

The 20 Best Hanging Plants for Low Light

Best Hanging Plants

1. Spider Plant

Spider Plant is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It can be a great addition to your home. It is also great for people who don’t want to spend too much money on high-tech hanging plants.

Spider Plant is a widespread plant throughout the world, and it grows in all significant regions of the world. The plant prefers to grow in shallow light conditions, and it can be indoor plants or outdoor plants. The plant has many different uses, but it is mainly used for air quality purposes.

It can be used as an accent piece in your home, patio, or garden, or even as an indoor plant decoration around your house or office space.

The plant has been used for centuries by farmers trying to grow food crops under poor light conditions at night time. In recent years, however, it has become more popular among people who are looking

2. English Ivy

The English Ivy is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It looks great in any room and has a long lifespan. It also doesn’t require much care and maintenance.

The English Ivy is an excellent low-light plant because it has no chlorophyll and can survive in poor lighting conditions without any problems. English Ivy is a plant that grows in low light conditions. It has many benefits, such as absorbing carbon dioxide, which helps the plant grow.

The English Ivy can grow up to five feet tall in just two years, making it one of the most popular plants for homes and offices worldwide. It is also very easy to grow – all you need is some soil, water, sunlight and love!

3. Boston Fern

Boston Fern is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It can be found in most homes, but it is also available for sale. This plant can grow up to 1m high and has a long lifespan.

The Boston Fern has a lot of uses. It is used as a decoration and an indoor hanging plant that can be seen from the outside.

The plant also makes an excellent addition to any home because it looks good even when it’s not used. The plant is also very easy to care for and will grow well even if you have no experience with gardening at all!

4. Staghorn Fern

Staghorn Fern is a viral species of plant that grows abundantly in the UK. It can be found on almost every woodland path, road and roadside planting.

The Staghorn Fern is one of the most common hanging plants and has many benefits for its users. It has a long lifespan and can grow in low light conditions.

Its leaves are dark green and attractive to insects and birds, which makes it an excellent choice for wildlife habitat protection. However, it’s also vulnerable to deer damage because of its height restrictions.

Another great way to do this is to hang a staghorn plant from your office window. It gives you a sense of privacy, looks beautiful, and provides shade for your office space. It also increases the amount of natural light in your office.

5. Snake Plant

Snake Plant is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It is a native plant that grows in most tropical and subtropical regions. The leaves are long, and green and have a strong smell. It likes to grow in areas with little light or shade, which makes it ideal for low-light situations.

In the early 20th century, snake plants were used to grow in low light conditions. The plant is also known as the hanging plant or the climbing vine. It grows best in sunny locations with little to no sunlight and can tolerate low light levels for quite some time.

The snake plant is a tropical evergreen shrub that grows up to twelve feet tall but, more commonly, only reaches six feet tall.

The leaves are oval-shaped and glossy, while they are greenish-grey in colour. The flowers are white or yellowish-white with long stems that grow up to ten inches long at their base, with several flowers growing on each stem.

6. Peace Lily

The ‘Peace Lily’ is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It is a symbol of peace and calmness. The plant comes in many colours and forms.

The name comes from the Latin words: “peace” and “lily”. This plant has been used in ancient times as a symbol of peace, tranquillity, and good spirits and was also used to represent fertility.

It is also known as one of the best hanging plants because it can be placed on walls or ceilings without worries about its fall or damage to the surface it’s installed on.

The plant grows very slowly, so it can be placed anywhere without any worries about its appearance or health over time. You might even find that your Peace Lilies are growing faster than your house!

7. ZZ Plant

For many people, indoor lighting is an issue. There are too many lights on, and they don’t know where to put them all. That’s why ZZ Plant is an ideal solution for those who want to keep their house or office space bright with minimal energy consumption and maintenance costs.

It requires less energy than other lighting options and has no harmful side effects like flickering lights.

ZZ Plant is a hanging plant that grows in low light conditions. It is native to Central and South America and has gained popularity as one of the best hanging plants for low light conditions.

It is also known as the “Hanging Garden” because it can be used in any kind of garden setting, such as terrace gardens, balconies, patios or even on a window sill. The plant grows up to 2 meters tall and has small leaves covered with hairs.

8. Corn Plant

The corn Plant is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It is a beautiful plant and can be used in many ways. It can be grown indoors or outdoors, on balconies, terraces, patios and anywhere that gets enough sunlight.

It also proliferates with little maintenance, so you can have it growing year-round without having to worry about watering or fertilising.

The Corn Plant has many uses in different fields of life. It is widely used as a decoration in homes and offices, as well as as a hanging plant in gardens and terraces.

9. Devil’s Ivy

Devil’s Ivy is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It is an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor use. It will not only look good, but it will also provide you with several benefits.

It grows well in most climates since it can withstand most temperatures. The plant doesn’t need much water and can survive in dry conditions.

It can provide shade to houses, buildings and gardens. It also helps to reduce the amount of electricity used in lighting. The ivy can be grown from seed which makes it easy to maintain and grow even if you don’t have any knowledge about growing plants.

10. Cast Iron Plant

Cast Iron Plant is the perfect hanging plant for low light. It has a lot of benefits, and here are some!

The fact that it grows in a small pot means that you can easily place it anywhere without worrying about damaging the plant. It also means you don’t have to worry about watering or fertilising it because it is self-sufficient.

It has a long lifespan, grows fast and is very easy to maintain. The plant has a wide variety of uses and can be used as an indoor hanging plant decoration, as a table decoration or even as an outdoor plant.

11. Chinese Evergreen

Chinese Evergreen is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It can grow in any soil, from sandy to clay and hot to cool. It is a very fast-growing plant that needs only minimal care, which makes it an ideal choice for offices with limited space.

They can stay healthy even when exposed to harsh sunlight and severe temperatures. They also have a long lifespan and can grow in places where we cannot get sunlight or cold. These benefits make them perfect for several applications, including office buildings, homes, hospitals, schools and universities.

12. Oyster Plant

The Oyster Plant is an excellent addition to any garden and can be used as a focal point in the landscape. It also has some benefits, such as it can be grown in pots, and it does not require much maintenance.

The oyster plant is one of the best plants to grow in low-light conditions. It is a good option for people who have small spaces and don’t have enough window space.

Oyster plants are known for their hardiness and long lifespan. The benefits of having an oyster plant as a hanging plant in the office are numerous since they’re great for an office.

They look great and they have a calming effect, which is essential for people who work in an office environment. It also helps to reduce stress levels as well as improve concentration.

13. Creeping Fig

Creeping Fig is one of the best hanging plants for low light. It is a small succulent plant that grows to a height of about 2 feet.

The plant is easy to grow, and when you have it in your garden, it will be able to provide you with shade and coolness during the summer season.

Creeping Fig has its benefits over other plants because it can provide you with shade and coolness during the summer season. It has been an effective tool in many fields such as medicine, ground cover, wall, or fences.

14. Bird’s Nest Fern

When looking for plants to add to a low-light environment, Bird’s Nest Fern may be one of the best options. This fern is attractive and can support a great deal of weight, making it a perfect choice for hanging plants.

Additionally, this plant has many benefits that make it an excellent choice for anyone looking for an easy-to-care-for option.

First and foremost, Bird’s Nest Fern is low maintenance. If you give it adequate water and occasional fertilisation, it will not require much attention from you other than keeping an eye on the growth.

Additionally, this fern provides numerous advantages when used in low light settings. For one, Bird’s Nest Fern can absorb light which allows it to remain fresh and green even when conditions are less than ideal. This plant also offers privacy as its leaves partially cover any object above it.

15. Rattlesnake Plant

A rattlesnake plant is one of the best hanging plants for low light because it has a lot of benefits and advantages over other plants.

First, rattlesnake plants are one of the most accessible plants to grow. They don’t require much water or fertiliser, and they can be grown in a variety of conditions.

Second, they have a long life span. Rattlesnakes can live up to 10 years, which is longer than many other types of hanging plants.

Third, they are attractive additions to any room. Their bright colours and exciting shapes make them popular choices for home decorating.

Finally, rattlesnake plants are effective at diffusing noise. This makes them perfect for noisy rooms or where people need to concentrate.

16. Nerve Plant

Nerve plants are one of the best hanging plants for low light because they require little care and can be placed almost anywhere.

They have many benefits, including being attractive additions to any room, being useful as natural air purifiers, and reducing stress levels. Here are a few reasons why you should add a nerve plant to your home:

1. They are easy to care for. Unlike most other plants, nerve plants don’t need much water or sunlight. They will grow in low-light settings, so you can place them near a light source if desired, but they will also do well in areas with less light.

2. They are attractive additions to any room. Many people enjoy the look of nerve plants because they have delicate-looking leaves and stems that twist and turn.

17. Rat Tail Cactus

Rat Tail Cactus is a popular plant for hanging in low-light areas. This cactus has many benefits that make it an excellent choice for people who want a hanging plant but don’t have much light. Among these benefits are:

  1. It is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors, making it an excellent choice for beginners.
  2. Its long, thin stems can reach up to 12 feet, making it an ideal choice for larger rooms or spaces.
  3. Its spines are soft and flexible, which makes them easy to remove if you need to move the cactus.
  4. It produces beautiful blooms in shades of pink and purple, which can add colour and interest to any room.

18. Prayer Plant

The prayer Plant is one of the best hanging plants for low light. Prayer Plant has many benefits and advantages that make this plant an excellent choice for low-light areas such as apartments, condos, or any other small space.

One of the main reasons to choose the Prayer Plant as a hanging plant is that it does well in low light conditions. This means that your Prayer Plant will not be overwhelmed by bright sunlight and will thrive in places with less natural light.

Additionally, because the Prayer Plant grows slowly, it won’t take up much space and can be easily tucked away when unused.

Another advantage to using the Prayer Plant as a hanging plant is that it provides air circulation. This means that your plants will stay healthy and look their best despite having little sunlight exposure.

19. Arrowhead Plant

The arrowhead plant is an excellent choice for low-light areas. This succulent has many benefits, such as being easy to care for, providing a beautiful hanging plant, and having a long lifespan. Here are three reasons why you should add an arrowhead plant to your collection:

1. The arrowhead plant is one of the easiest plants to care for. It’s even suitable for beginners. Simply water regularly and fertilise when needed.

2. Arrowhead plants are perfect hanging plants because they can be easily attached to the wall with wire or cable ties. They also require minimal maintenance, which makes them ideal for those with busy lives.

3. Arrowheads are some of the longest-living plants on the market, capable of reaching up to 30 years old in good condition.

20. Flamingo Flower

Do you have a low-light situation in your home? If so, the flamingo flower may be the perfect hanging plant for you!

Not only do they look beautiful in low light, but flamingos are also some of the best low-light hanging plants because of their many benefits and advantages. Here are a few reasons why you should add a flamingo to your home:

  1. They’re Easy to Look After: Flamingos are one of the easiest hanging plants to take care of because they don’t need too much water or fertiliser. Just make sure to give them a little TLC now and then by watering them regularly and fertilising them when needed.
  2. They’re Beautiful: Whether you have a small or large room, a flamingo is guaranteed to add some zing with its bright pink flowers. Who can resist a pretty flower in low light?


Best Hanging Plants

Best hanging plants for low light can be a great addition to any home.

  • These plants are engineered to do well in less light, making them perfect for homes with little natural light.
  • They also tend to be smaller and more compact, meaning they don’t take up a lot of space.
  • Many of these plants also have delicate flowers and foliage that can easily be damaged by too much light.

By choosing the best hanging plants for low light, you can ensure that your plants stay healthy and beautiful while taking advantage of limited lighting.


How much light does a hanging plant need?

A hanging basket full of fruit (or anything else) doesn’t need more shade and shouldn’t sit in direct sun for more than 6 hours a day.

Can you hang plants in the dark?

In the dark, they can’t photosynthesise and produce oxygen. This is why many plants are unable to survive in the dark. However, some plants can survive in complete darkness without any light.

These are called “night-adapted” plants, and they use a particular form of photosynthesis called “heterotrophy”. These plants don’t need light to live but instead use other energy sources, such as heat or carbon dioxide, produced by photosynthesis.

Can plants grow even if the room has no window?

Plants are vital to the Earth’s ecosystems. They provide food, shelter and flavouring for other plants. They also act as a host for pollination, which helps many different crops reproduce. But without sunlight to photosynthesise in, they cannot entirely survive in the dark. Without sunlight, they will not produce flowers or fruits and, eventually, die out.