Get The Beautiful And Durable Varieties Of Plant Pots For Graves To Commemorate Your Bond With Your Departed Loved One

What is the most traditional and common thing to put at a grave? 

Most people would likely answer a memorial flower. Putting flowers at a cemetery is a time-honoured custom common to many societal groups and countries.

Many people find it challenging to choose the right flower to present and figure out how to attach it to the tomb. For instance, you might not know how to place flowers in space at a graveyard or columbarium. Moreover, plants function better in some planters than single stems do in others.

We are here to provide helpful information about the most common cemetery flower containers available. 

Close up hand planting a new plant on the garden while using working gloves.
Close up of flowers growing on grave

Flowers are the ideal method to honour a loved one and keep the grave looking fresh and neat. When topped off with fragrant and vibrant flowers regularly, even the most miniature monument can be transformed into a self-contained garden that reflects the passing of the seasons. 

Our assortment of flower and plant pots includes designs ideal for all types of monuments. At Plant Judo, we constantly strive to add elements to our designs that will make a grave just a little bit more spectacular.

Book a call with us to learn more about different varieties of our memorial plant pots.

Significance Of Grave Gardening

Cemeteries and graveyards can be places for life, community, and healing, in addition to serving as places for burial and grieving. Grave gardening—the practice of establishing a garden next to the grave of a loved one—comes into play in this situation.

Numerous studies have shown that gardening offers several advantages for our mental health, including reducing stress, anxiety, and sadness. Psychologists have demonstrated that the physical act of gardening causes the brain to release feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.

Working with dirt, even on a physical level, makes us happier. According to a 2007 study, the soil bacterium Mycobacterium vaccae causes the release of serotonin, which improves mood and lessens anxiety.

Some people choose to mourn and honour their departed loved ones by gardening at their graves. Others might use it as a venue and time to deal with their loss. It is more about the method and the intentionality than the specific flowers or plants that your loved one prefers. Your motivation for establishing a cemetery garden is unique, just like you!

How Do Flower Holders For Graves Or Cemeteries Work?

People frequently try to figure out how to keep silk flowers near the gravestone when they bring flowers to the cemetery, so they don’t blow away in the wind. Most of the flower holders for cemeteries at our store serve that function.

Since fresh flowers won’t stay long, those who leave them on the grave may not need to bother securing them.

Pro Advice: Before purchasing any plant pots for a grave, ask the cemetery superintendent about the regulations governing floral arrangements. Some cemeteries have strict regulations and even forbid the exhibition of artificial flowers. Some places only permit floral arrangements if they don’t obstruct the groundskeepers’ ability to conduct their job. Only buy one of the following flower holders if you know the regulations for the cemetery where they will be placed.

Close up image of a hand preparing the ground soil to plant flowers on the house garden.
Close up of flowers growing on grave

Mounting Plant Pot

You might be permitted to install a flower pot holder on the side of an upright headstone if there are no restrictions on what can be attached to the gravestones in the cemetery.

We recommend buying our two mounting flower holders to harmonise the floral arrangement. Before purchasing vase mounts from the side, you must know the stone’s width.

Back-Adhesive Flower Vase

Consider buying our adhesive-backed flower holder for your loved one’s upright stone if the headstone does not already have a built-in vase.

Before attaching anything to the stone’s surface, consult a headstone expert because the glue could damage the pricey gravestone.

Wreath Hanger For An Upright Or Slanted Stone

Some families like placing our holiday wreaths on the gravestones of their loved ones. A wreath holder that resembles the one you would use to hang a wreath on your front door is available for purchase at our store. To prevent the grave’s name from obscuring, some families decide to place the wreaths on the stone’s back.

Flat Stone Vase Holder

You might think about getting our flat stone vase (or flower pot) holder because some cemeteries have laws prohibiting decorations around the edge of the gravestone.

Our flat stone pot holder protrudes from the earth close to a flat stone. They are many inches tall, not hindering the grounds crew’s ability to mow the grass. They bend close to the headstone, allowing the flowers to float over the stone’s surface.

Graves with grave stones at a cemetery in summer. Granite crosses in the cemetery
Grave light with burning candle on a grave with flowers

Saddle Floral Vase

Depending on how vast the upright monument is for your loved one, you can think about draping a swag over the top of the headstone.

You can get our saddle flower holder to secure the ornament. Before buying the accessory, ensure you know the breadth of your loved one’s grave because our saddle flower holders are various sizes.

Coir Pots

Coir pots, made of coconut fibre, are a great choice if you seek biodegradable planters. For the growth of plants, they provide an excellent medium. Due to their significant porosity, the soil can easily pass air and water through them. 

They drain well and have a tremendous ability to hold water. They make sure the roots thrive. You remove the salt from their surface and rinse them with fresh water.

We Offer A Wide Collection Of Graveside Plant Pots

Whether you want to add flowers to a granite memorial, a children’s memorial, or any other type of headstone, we at Plant Judo are confident that you will find the perfect vase among our assortment of vases to showcase your arrangement. We can help you keep the memorial of your loved one looking elegantly tended. 

They include extra-deep containers to be added to an existing memorial, tall urn-shaped vases, square vases with inscription panels, and more. A kerbed headstone with plenty of planting area can be worth considering if you want to decorate a tomb with many flowers.

Even the slightest change to a memorial can feel like a significant choice, so if you have any queries about our selection of vases, don’t hesitate to contact a member of our helpful staff.

Grave light with candle on a grave with flowers


To honour dead soldiers, the ancient Greeks started the custom of laying flowers at graves thousands of years ago. They thought it was a sign that the deceased had attained peace if the flowers took root in the earth and flourished from the burial.

Container size is crucial for flowers and plants. Outdoor container plants, especially those that increase like summer flowering annuals, require enough space for their roots. Small pots inhibit root expansion, which results in constrained top development.

Reusing potting soil is generally acceptable as long as the plant you were growing in it is robust. It is best to sterilise the mix if you find bugs or diseases in your plants to prevent contaminating them for the following year. First, clean the old potting soil of roots, grubs, leaves, or other trash.

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