Display Better Blooms At Home With Our Plant Pots For African Violets

African violets are popular indoor plants because they overgrow and produce flowers consistently. This beautiful plant features fuzzy leaves and varying colours of pink, purple, or white blooms. 

Definitely something you’d want around if you love staring at pretty flowers.

But of course, before you can display them anywhere else, you’ll need a container to hold that pretty plant, right?

And to make it more aesthetic, you’ll want a plant pot perfect for African violets.

Luckily, Plant Judo offers some of the best plant pots for African violets in the market.

Our selection ranges from glasses to ceramic pots and many more.

We recommend the most durable, affordable, and admirable containers if you need any pot suited for your plant.

All you have to do is check out our shop or book a call with our experts for advice.

Young Man Watering Plants at Home

Characteristics of The Ideal African Violet Pot

It shouldn’t be challenging to choose a pot for your typical houseplants. This is because numerous types of houseplants can flourish in any soil and pot.

But for your African violet plant to thrive and keep its lush foliage and large, healthy blooms, it needs a pot with a few unique traits. 

Therefore, spending money on the appropriate pot for your African violet is crucial. Now, you might ask– what characteristics should an African violet pot have?

We at Plant Judo will assist you in selecting the ideal pot for your plant so it will thrive in your indoor garden, regardless of your experience with growing African violets.

Here’s a list of several crucial characteristics an African violet pot should have at your disposal.

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Enables Efficient Drainage

The drainage holes in your African violet's pot are among its most crucial components. In fact, purchasing a pot without drainage holes may be the most significant error for novice growers of African violets.

African violets don't grow very well in water-holding containers because the moisture they retain in the growing medium promotes root rot. Your African violet won't thrive in constantly wet soil or with root rot. Since extra water will have many ways to escape the container, a pot with many drainage holes also helps to prevent you from overwatering your plant.

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Make It Just The Right Size

Interestingly, your African violet's health depends on the pot's size. Your African violet won't create new growth if the pot is too tiny. However, if your pot is too big, your plant will struggle to flower.

African violets thrive in slightly pot-bound conditions, so pick a pot that's on the small side.

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Needs To Be Porous

Containers from porous materials such as timber, terracotta, clay, and paper pulp allow moisture and air to pass through. This allows room for the plant to breathe and live longer. Evaporating moisture from the pot cools the soil and prevents root rot by drawing out excess water.

However, the potting mix and containers of this type tend to dry out faster in the full sun due to evaporation and air coming through. In contrast to ceramic and plastic pots that don't absorb water, these pots need to be watered more frequently.

Our Plant Pots For African Violets

Like all plant containers, African violet pots are available in various materials. Every type of pot has advantages and disadvantages.

To simplify your shopping process and assist you in choosing a potting material that is ideal for you and your African violet, we’ll go through a few of them here.

With Plant Judo’s wide range of plant pots for African violets, you’ll definitely find one most suited for your plant.

Full length of young african american kneeling while planting flowering plants at garden
Terracotta potted plants on plant stands in backyard

Glass Pots For African Violets

Given that they are available in many vibrant colours, glass pots are typically used for decorative purposes. They can bring brightness, enhance the colour of the African violet’s blooms, and offer personality to your landscape. If you need something porous, you should choose a glass pot with drainage holes drilled into it because adding more holes without harming or breaking the pot will be challenging. Here at Plant Judo, we offer glass pots that are readily made for your African violets’ needs.

Plastic Pots For African Violets

African violet containers made of plastic benefit from drainage and sunshine. They have many possibilities for on-the-go personalisation, are inexpensive, and are easy to use. They are also lightweight and are flexible containers for plants. Our plastic pots are guaranteed to be durable and long-lasting even if most people consider plastic materials less resilient and easily broken. Here, we have the finest plastic pots that are stylish and reusable for many things.

Ceramic Pots For African Violets

Ceramic pots are available in various hues, patterns, and glazes. Although these pots can be pricey, your investment will significantly improve the attractiveness of your yard. These pots are strong, recyclable, and distinctive. Our pots are a sensible choice because they are made to have adequate drainage holes or matching run-off dishes.

Self-Watering Pots For African Violets

The ideal option for you may be a self-watering pot if you’re prepared to automate your watering routine. These containers are made to provide adequate watering for your African violets without running the danger of root rot or other root damage from overwatering. 

They are helpful if you are concerned that watering your African violets would damage the leaves, resulting in permanent dark patches.

If you want to know more about the plant pots on our roster, we highly recommend you call our experts for further information.

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Woman holding big plant in flower pot.

Where To Place African Violets

Now that you know which type of pot you want for your African violet, it’s time to identify where to place them.

If you’re considering placing African violets in your house or at work, you’re lucky because most homes and offices have moderate temperatures and low humidity, ideal for their growth. This plant may even thrive and blossom for a very long time with proper care.

Due to its nature of maintaining dry leaves, African violets are commonly grown indoors in North America. However, you can still grow this plant in bright places where indirect light is present. This environment will showcase the most pleasing colours and flowers for the violets. 

The optimal location is three feet away from a window facing west or south. They will still grow when placed directly next to north or east-facing windows, but their leaves will be thin, spindly, and less likely to flower. 

African violets may grow from 12 to 15 inches above the ground under 40-watt fluorescent lights (also known as grow lights) if you don’t have an excellent location near a window.

For more tips about planting, growing, or displaying different types of plants, you can visit our blog right HERE

A Pot For Your Plant

When gardening or tending to African violets, there are a lot of things you need to consider. 

You must take into account the place, soil, environment, amount of sunlight it can get, fertiliser, and most importantly, the pot you’ll be using.

Therefore, choosing the right pot for your plant to live in must be done with utmost attention to detail and knowledge.

Here at Plant Judo, you don’t have to worry much about that because we offer the perfect plant pots for your African violets, and if you’re not sure which one to get among our pots, our gardening experts can help you out in choosing.

So what are you waiting for? Shop now at Plant Judo.

Gardener examining potted plant in shop


Growing African violets in the self-watering African violet pots listed above is the most straightforward approach to ensure you give them the proper amount of water. These containers have a reservoir-like bottom that stores water and a top portion where the plant develops. The bottom of the planting area of ceramic pots is unglazed so that water from the reservoir can quickly soak through. 

Ceramic pots are typically glazed on the outside. A fibre wick typically connects the planting pot and reservoir in plastic African violet pots. Make sure to change the water once every week.

Suppose you aren’t growing plants in pots made for African violets. Just enough water is used to maintain the soil’s modest moisture. Use water that is at room temperature and avoid wetting the leaves because doing so could result in spots developing on the leaves.

Plants are alive, and, just like us, it needs the right shelter to sustain their living. Your African violet plant needs a pot with a few special features to grow happily and maintain its rich foliage and big healthy blooms. If it does not receive the right amount of care, attention, or tending– your plant may suffer.

African violets tend to outgrow their pots over time and start to crowd them. To establish new African violet plants or to propagate existing ones, use leaf cuttings from these species. Continue to moisten the soil evenly. In a few weeks, fresh leaves will emerge. Plants can be repotted into pots for African violets after they have four or more leaves.

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