The Best Plants for Zone 6 – A Beginner’s Guide to Plant Care

 Best Plants for Zone

Plant hardiness zones are a great way to ensure you get the right plants for your garden. It is essential to know what plants grow best in your area and which ones you should avoid.

There are four plant hardiness zones, each with different temperatures, rainfall amounts, and sunlight hours. If you want to plant trees or flowers that need specific conditions, it is recommended that you follow the guidelines of the plant hardiness zone.

Plant hardiness zones are a tool that helps us understand the climate and conditions of the area where we want to plant our plants. It also helps us know what type of plants we can grow in that area.

Now, let’s identify the best plants for zone 6!

The 15 Best Plants for Zone 6

 Best Plants

1. Joe-Pye Weed

Joe-Pye weed is one of the best plants for zone 6. It is a perennial plant that can grow up to three feet. It has a lot of benefits, advantages and uses.

Joe-Pye weed is a hardy plant that can tolerate cold weather and dry soil conditions. It is also an invasive plant because it can spread quickly with its runners, but it doesn’t have any bad effects on the environment.

It is also known to have a long blooming period, which is perfect for hummingbird flowers. Joe-Pye Weed is also often used as an ornamental flower or as garden ground cover.

2. Bee Balm

Bee Balm is a plant used for centuries to help with many health issues. It has a lot of benefits and uses, and it is one of the best plants for zone 6.

Bee Balm typically grows in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. It can grow up to 2 feet tall and has dark green leaves with white flowers that bloom in mid-summer. Its flowers can be used as food for bees and butterflies.

Bee Balm’s leaves are also helpful because they can be eaten raw or cooked in salads or soups. They are great at treating heartburn, nausea, fever, coughs, colds and flu symptoms like sore throat or headache.

3. Black-eyed Susan

The Black-eyed Susan is a perennial herbaceous plant in the genus Thunbergia, belonging to the family of Acanthaceae. It is native to South Africa, but it has naturalised throughout much of Southern and Eastern Asia, Australia and Tasmania.

The Black-eyed Susan plant can be found in many gardens and flower beds. Its attractive flowers come in shades of orange, yellow, red or white. The leaves are glossy green or silver-green with a black centre on the leaf petioles. The flowers are produced from June through September and are pollinated by bees.

The Black-eyed Susan plant is a popular plant for zone 6 as it grows well in partial shade to full sun conditions and tolerates dry soil well.

This plant has a lot of uses, but most commonly, people use it as an ornamental flower or ground cover in their gardens. The seeds can be used as food or ground cover for your garden beds, while the leaves are suitable for composting or mulching.

4. Creeping Phlox

Creeping Phlox is one of the best plants for zone 6. It has many advantages, such as drought tolerance, which make it an ideal choice for hot, dry conditions.

This plant can also be used as a ground cover or border plant to help create a natural barrier between you and the surrounding environment.

Creeping Phlox requires very little water and doesn’t need to be watered often. It also doesn’t need much sunlight or soil to grow well. Creeping Phlox can be grown in any type of soil, even in clay soil that most other plants won’t grow well in.

One Creeping Phlox plant can last up to seven years, making it a cost-effective plant compared to other plants with similar benefits, like lavender or rosemary plants.

5. Blanket Flower

Blanket Flower is a perennial, herbaceous plant that grows in a clump of rosettes. It can be planted in the garden, flower bed or indoors. The plant has many uses and benefits that make it one of the best plants for zone 6.

The plant can tolerate drought and grow up to 2 feet tall when given enough sunlight and water. It is also great for attracting butterflies, bees and hummingbirds because its nectar-rich flowers are edible to these creatures.

Blanket flowers are one of the best plants for zone 6 because they require little to no maintenance. They can grow in various soil types and thrive in different weather conditions. They are also not too picky about light levels, which makes them easy to grow and maintain.

6. Foamflower

Foamflower is one of the plants that can be grown in zone 6. It is a perennial plant that grows on the ground and has a long taproot. The leaves are found in dense clusters at the top of the stem.

This plant has been known to have some exciting benefits for your garden; it attracts bees, butterflies, birds, and hummingbirds.

It also serves as an effective natural weed killer for your garden and helps to prevent soil erosion from wind storms or other natural disasters.

The main reason why people grow foamflower in their gardens is that it has an attractive appearance, with their flowers blooming all season long. These flowers are small but come in different colours.

7. Cranesbill

Cranesbill is a plant that can grow in zones 6-10. It has many benefits and advantages that make it one of the best plants for zone 6. Cranesbill is a perennial plant that grows in the wild and can be found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, and Zambia. It has many uses and benefits.

The crane’s bill has leaves that are long and narrow, with a point at the end of each leaf. The leaves have a high surface area-to-volume ratio. This means they can absorb more sunlight than other plants, which helps them grow faster than other plants in the same area.

They also produce more oxygen than other plants, which helps reduce smog levels and improve air quality.

Cranesbill is also helpful to humans because it can be used as medicine for many ailments like fever, diarrhoea, arthritis, gout, and stomach aches, among others.

8. Christmas Fern

Christmas fern is one of the best plants for zone 6. It is also known as a houseplant. It has many benefits and advantages that make it a great plant to have in your home or office.

Christmas Ferns’ delicate, needle-like leaves are perfect for those who want an easy-care plant that doesn’t need much attention. They are also very versatile and can be used indoors or outdoors as long as it gets sunlight daily.

Christmas Ferns are essential as they provide oxygen and help purify the air of your home or office space. They also use less water than other plants so you can save a lot of money on water bills!

9. Virginia Bluebell

Virginia Bluebell is a plant that has been used in Europe for centuries. It is also popular in the United States as it can grow well in zones 6 and 7. This plant is known to have many benefits, including the ability to attract butterflies and bees.

Virginia Bluebell is a perennial plant that can tolerate cold weather and wet soil. It grows up to 3 feet tall with long, delicate flowers that are usually blue or white.

This plant will provide you with abundant flowers throughout the early summer season. Still, it also provides excellent cover for smaller plants underneath it and helps to prevent weed growth because of its deep taproot system.

10. Milkweed

Milkweed is a type of plant for zone 6. It is an annual plant that can grow in zones 5-10. The leaves are dark green and have an oval shape to them. It grows well in partial shade.

Milkweed is one of the most versatile plants used for various purposes. It has been used as a food source, medicine, and fibre. It is also an excellent plant to attract monarch butterflies.

Milkweed is an essential part of the Monarch Butterfly’s life cycle. The Monarch Butterfly lays its eggs on milkweed leaves, and it will hatch into caterpillars that feed on milkweed leaves until they become butterflies.

Milkweed attracts many other pollinators, such as bees, hummingbirds, and other insects.

11. Goat’s Beard

Goat’s Beard is one of the famous zone 6 plants and a perennial plant native to Europe and Asia. It has been used as a medicinal herb in the past and still is today. It has been used in folk remedies for a long time, but it has been mainly used as an ornamental plant.

The uses of the plant are varied. Its flowers can be used to make wreaths, baskets, hats and other items for decoration. The leaves treat inflammation, menstrual cramps and pain from arthritis or rheumatism.

The leaves can be cooked with tomatoes or potatoes in stews or soups.

12. Anise Hyssop

Anise Hyssop is a plant used for medicinal purposes for centuries. It has been used to treat digestive problems, menstrual cramps, and toothaches.

Anise Hyssop can be grown in zones 6-9 since it thrives in full sun. You can grow this plant as a perennial or annual plant, depending on your needs.

You can use Anise Hyssop as an ornamental plant in your garden, or you could use it to flavour meat, poultry, fish, vegetables or salads with its liquorice-like flavour.

13. Coreopsis

Coreopsis is a plant commonly found in gardens, flower beds, and other landscaping areas. It has many uses and benefits for people living in zone 6.

This plant is often used as an annual ground cover by gardeners because it dies back quickly to the ground in the fall and winter, and it can be re-grown from seed or cuttings.

Coreopsis has many uses for people living in zone 6 because they can use it as a border plant, as an accent plant. The flowers are also helpful for attracting butterflies, bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators to your garden or flower bed.

14. Columbine

Columbine is a plant typically used in the landscape and is known for its beautiful flowers. This plant can be quickly grown in zone 6, which makes it an excellent option to grow in mild climates.

Columbine is one of the best plants for zone 6 because it has several benefits and advantages. It can attract hummingbirds and butterflies, which are not found in other plants. It protects from pests.

It also grows well in poor soils and requires minimal maintenance. This plant can be used as a low-maintenance ground cover or a container plant. It has been said that this plant can help control erosion on slopes, but this claim has not been proven scientifically yet.

15. Marsh Marigold

Marsh Marigold is a low-growing, spreading plant that has many benefits. It is an excellent plant for zones 6 to 8, and it can be used in the garden for ground cover or as a border.

The Marsh Marigold is an attractive plant with many uses. It can be used as ground cover or as a border in the garden.

This low-growing plant has many benefits, such as being tolerant of poor soil, drought, and pollution. It also has an edible root that can be eaten raw or cooked in soup.


 Best Plants for Zone

Plants are an essential part of the ecosystem and provide many benefits to the people living in zone 6.

  • Plants growing in zone 6 are vital to the ecosystem because they help reduce pollution in the air and soil.
  • They also provide many human benefits, such as food, medicine, and more.
  • Zone 6 plants provide a natural look in your backyard or add beauty to your home.
  • Zone 6 plants can provide natural beauty to your yard without taking up much space.
  • Some plants also provide various benefits, such as improving air quality in your home.


When it comes to planting in Wichita, Kansas, what zone is it in?

Our zone falls within USDA Hardiness Zone 6B, which means we need plants hardy to temperatures between 0 and -5 degrees F in the winter. 2011-2012 was the hottest summer on record.

What is the best time to plant my garden in Ohio?

Last and first, frost determines the best time to plant. Depending on the plant, some can be planted before the last late spring frost, and others need to be planted afterwards. Planting hardy vegetables outside as early as April is possible if you start seeds indoors now.

Is Ohio in the Eastern or Western Zone?

Zones 5 and 6 of the USDA zone system apply to Ohio. There are small clusters of Zone 5 in Zone 6, but most of the state is located in Zone 6.