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How to Plant Ixia Bulbs

Ixia, also known as Wand Flowers or African Corn Lilies, are vibrant and unusual members of the Iris family. Because they prefer hot, dry climates, they will thrive in warmer climates such as the southwest. They look best in groups in borders or containers, and they have a pleasant, light fragrance.

Ixia bulbs are winter growers and should be planted and watered in early fall to get them started. They require frost protection in colder climates. They can be planted directly into a bed in a cool glasshouse or grown in pots. They can be dried off for the summer months after reaching the end of their growing season.

In this article, we will take you step by step through planting Ixia Bulbs. You will be able to plant your Ixia Bulbs easily and provide your new plant with a robust environment to thrive peacefully if you follow the tips.

 So, without further ado, let us get started.

What Should be Considered Before Planting Ixia Bulbs?

There have some recommendations that might be suitable for giving your Ixia Bulbs a healthy and peaceful condition-

  • Ixia Bulbs are adapted to various soil types, from deep sand to heavy, gravel-filled soil. Most people believe they can thrive in full shade, but they do not provide enough shade.
  • Select a location that receives full or partial sun and is protected from strong winds. Because Ixia Bulbs dislike being moved, it is critical to locate them in your garden in a location where they will receive the recommended amount of sunlight.
  • The most important thing to remember is that Ixia Bulbs dislike waterlogged soil, so they grow naturally on steep slopes. As a result, good drainage is critical, especially since your Ixia Bulbs will require regular watering for the first few months after planting.
  • Because grass trees prefer good drainage, it is critical to add something draining if you have heavy soil. After ensuring proper drainage, use a good quality native potting mix, about two bags per Ixia Bulbs. Fill the hole with native potting mix and a little of the existing soil.
  • Ixia Bulbs have a meagre survival rate. The best way to choose healthy Ixia Bulbs is to look for a nursery with a survival guarantee. This ensures quality. However, when planted correctly, if you can treat yourself to a mature specimen.

How To Plant Ixia Bulbs

Now let’s get down with our main event and learn about how to plant; And try to follow our instructions and advice step by step-

1 . In the fall, choose a somewhat sunny location with well-draining soil.

2 . Planting ixia bulbs is a simple process. Bulbs resemble small onions, with wiry roots growing from one end and a spike on the other. Plant with the spike pointing up and the roots pointing down.

3 . When planting bulbs, the rule of thumb is to give them at least twice their height in the soil above them. Dig a 3-4 inch deep hole, insert the bulb, and cover with soil.

4 . When planting bulbs in beds, leave approximately 3 inches between each cluster of bulbs. Planting in containers allows you to plant them closer together.

Water thoroughly after planting to allow the soil above the bulbs to settle.


5 . In the late spring, Ixia bulbs will begin to bloom. After the flowers fade, the plant can rest in a warmer environment. During this rest period, you do not need to water excessively. Leaves will also die back, and at this point, you can either clean up the plant and remove the old leaves or let nature take its course.

6 . Ixias are sometimes offered for spring planting to flower in the summer. These are ixia corms that have been stored over the winter to prevent them from growing. They will grow in summer for the first flowering season after planting but try to revert to their typical autumn/winter growing habit unless dug up at the end of that first season and dried off for the winter. Overall, this is not very satisfactory, and it is probably best to regard them as summer bedding for one season only, after which they should be discarded.


How long does it take for an Ixia bulb to grow?

Most bulbs will start growing roots in a week or two, but you won’t see any activity above ground until next spring. Cut flower stems for bouquets when your ixia is in bloom.

How deep should Ixia bulbs be planted?

Grow in full sun in frost-free areas in well-drained soil, lift corms in autumn, and store in dry, frost-free conditions while dormant. Plant corms 10-15cm deep in loam-based potting compost with added leaf mould and sharp sand under glass.

Is full sun required for Ixia?

Ixias require the sun to grow, but while they enjoy basking in its rays all day, they can thrive in areas with a spotty shade of scattered sunlight. Ixias must be planted deep enough not to be affected by temperature variations above ground, either too warm or cold.

Ixia is spread in what way?

Corms are used for propagating Ixia species. These should be planted 3″ to 4″ inches deep and 3″ apart on the soil’s surface. Make sure that the soil is rich and well-drained.

What does the Chionodoxa flower look like?

Chionodoxa, also known as Glory of the snow, blooms very early in the spring. These hardy, low-maintenance bulbs are ideal for naturalising. The star-shaped flowers come in various colours, including sky blue, lavender, pink, and white.

Final Words 

Ixia Bulbs could be planted in one of many different methods.

Typically, bulbs bloom 2-5 weeks after emerging from the cold, signalling the arrival of spring with their vibrant hues and enticing scents. The time it takes for a bulb to bloom varies depending on the kind and variation, but it’s usually much less than you’d anticipate for garden bulbs.

All you have to do is take proper care of your Ixia Bulb.

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