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How to Plant Philodendron Gloriosum

Philodendron gloriosum is a plant species in the Araceae family, genus Philodendron. It is a creeping, terrestrial plant native to Colombia with cordate (heart-shaped) and velutinous foliage, pink margins, and pale green, white, or pinkish veins.

 It is a crawling Philodendron with heart-shaped green velvety foliage and pale to striking white veins that belongs to the genus Philodendron.

We mean creeping on the ground when we say crawl. Philodendrons can grow as climbers or creepers. This one has a creepy vibe to it. Its stem extends horizontally across the surface.

The plant is indigenous to Colombia and other tropical regions around the world. Aside from Colombia, it can also be found in Mexico, Central America, Peru, Ecuador, the western parts of Brazil, and Venezuela.

In this article, we will take you to step by step through planting philodendron Gloriosum. If you follow the tips, you will be able to plant your plant easily and provide your new plant with a healthy environment to thrive peacefully.

 So, without further ado, let us get started.


Philodendron Gloriosum: How to Care for It?

Plant the stem cutting or rhizome, so the top half of the plant is above the potting mix while growing the Philodendron Gloriosum. Utilise sphagnum moss or a well-draining, organic-rich potting mix. Maintain a wet soil environment when it dries out. Fertilising once a month with a well-balanced fertiliser is sufficient!

That seems to be quick but not entirely obvious, doesn’t it? Let us begin with a clear vision;


Provide a wet, well-draining soil with a high organic matter content. The optimal soil acidity is between 6.5 and 7.5. Add horticultural charcoal to replicate the plant’s natural “forest” habitat. Additionally, charcoal aids in the prevention of germs and fungus by sweetening the soil and drawing out toxins. If the soil is excessively wet (poor drainage), experiment with perlite, pumice, and/or orchid bark soil mix.

Cinnamon may be used as a disinfectant to aid in healing a basic cutting.


Temperatures should range between 65° and 80°F. Take the plant inside for the duration of the winter to avoid frosting. Your grow light should be 24″ (61cm) away from the foliage to avoid leaf burn.


Regularly mist your Gloriosum. Consider treating those silky leaves to a hydrating facial spa! Ahhh. If the ambient humidity is less than 40%, use an indoor humidifier.

If the humidity level is less than 40%, adopting actions to increase the humidity will benefit the plant. By placing a pebble tray filled with water near the plant, you may increase the surrounding air’s humidity. Additional methods to boost humidity levels include misting or installing a humidifier.


Water Philodendrons, particularly Philodendron Gloriosum, in such a manner that the soil stays wet but not soggy. Consistently water thoroughly and allow for drainage of surplus water. When the soil gets dry one to two inches below the surface, it is suitable for watering. Allowing the plant to sit in damp soil results in root rot, which may be lethal.

If this recommendation is followed and adequately chunky, loose soil is used, there should be no fear of “overwatering.” Scratch the surface or put your finger into the dirt to verify. Mushy roots and yellowing foliage are signs of overwatering; reduce irrigation if any symptoms develop.


How to Plant a Philodendron Gloriosum Plant

Avoid burying your Philodendron Gloriosum in the earth while planting. Gently press the plant into the earth, ensuring that at least half of it is exposed above the soil surface.

However, ensure that you push it slightly into the soil; otherwise, it may struggle to produce roots under the surface. If your Gloriosum’s roots are undeveloped, they will produce smaller leaves and have difficulty growing new branches.

Fortunately, Philodendron Gloriosum is a relatively simple plant to cultivate.

Philodendron Gloriosum may be grown in several ways. However, we will focus on the most specific items on the list.

Cut Your Philodendron Gloriosum Rhizome

The first method is to cut your Philodendron Gloriosum rhizome on the side of its most recent growths, which may include a stem or more.

Remove your plant from its container and scoop off most of the dirt to reveal its roots. Cut a section of the rhizome with at least one plant node from the side of the newest growth using sterilised pruning shears. The portion of the plant that you cut may contain one or more leaves or shoots. If the portion of the rhizome you removed has already developed roots, you may re-pot it.

Via Seeds

The second method of propagating your Philodendron Gloriosum is via seeds.

You may gather the seeds throughout the summer and immediately plant them. Put the seeds in lukewarm water for 24-48 hours before planting. Sow seeds in a well-draining soil rich in organic materials. Arrange them approximately an inch (1 cm) apart and at least two inches (5 cm).

Cover the soil with a plastic mulch and set it in a bright, indirect light-filled area to retain humidity. Regularly inspect and rinse the soil to prevent it from drying out. Once a week, you may use a spray bottle to mist the area with water.

Seeds will germinate within a month if all other parameters for a mature plant are maintained, including a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. The seedling should next be transplanted into a pot.

Pests and Diseases of Philodendron Gloriosum

As with most other Philodendron types, spider mites, aphids, mealybugs, scale, whitefly, and fungus gnats are the most prevalent pests on Philodendron Gloriosum.

Due to the toxicity of the Philodendron Gloriosum, it should be kept away from young children and animals. If any part of this plant is consumed, it may cause irritation of the throat, difficulty swallowing, stomach discomfort, and cramping. There are many things you can take to help avoid bug infestations.


What is the source of the high cost of Philodendron gloriosum?

Others, such as Philodendron gloriosum, are not genetically modified but are known for their beautiful leaves. The high demand for these specimens, combined with a limited supply, results in exorbitant prices.

Is Philodendron gloriosum challenging to grow?

Gloriosum prefers to be kept moist, so keep an eye on it over the summer and check the soil regularly until you know how much and how frequently you need to water it. Allow the top inch of the potting mix to dry out before watering in the winter.

What is the most elusive Philodendron?

Philodendron Spiritus Sancti is the most uncommon of all the Philodendrons on this list. This critically endangered species is the rarest type of Philodendron, with just a handful of these distinctive foliaged beauties left in the wild. Additionally, this is one of the most costly Philodendron types available.

What’s the deal with my yellow Philodendron Gloriosum?

Direct sunlight can cause yellow leaves. Too much of it will cause yellowing. Move your Philodendron Gloriosum to a location receiving bright indirect light and is likely to be farther away from a window.

Final Thoughts

These are the methods for planting the Philodendron Gloriosum. It’s now up to you to follow the maintenance, recommendations, and advice. If you have questions about today’s article, please leave them in the comments section.

Best wishes!!