Container Gardening: Best Plants For Small Pots

More and more people are returning to nature and growing their own food, which is boosting the popularity of gardening. A large garden offers plenty of space for growing various plants, but not everyone has the space. If you’re looking to start a garden but don’t have a lot of space, don’t worry – you can still grow plenty of plants in a small area.

Container gardening is a type of gardening where plants are grown in containers instead of ground. This is an excellent option for people who don’t have a lot of space or live in areas where the soil is not suitable for growing plants. Container gardening can also be a great way to add colour and interest to your garden.

There are many different types of containers that you can use for your container garden. You can use a pot, planters, urns, old boots or tires. The most important thing is to ensure the container has drainage holes so the water can escape.

When choosing a plant for your container garden, choose something that will thrive in the type of container you are using and the amount of sunlight it will get. You can also mix different types of plants to create a beautiful display.

Let us look at some options available:

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant, or Sansevieria trifasciata, is ideal for the container garden. It is succulent with attractive foliage that can add colour and interest to a pot or planter. Snake Plants are easy to care for and can be grown indoors or outdoors. They tolerate low light levels and drought conditions, making them a good choice for the urban gardener.

Jade Plant

The Jade Plant is a succulent perennial plant native to South Africa. This indoor plant has thick, glossy leaves, producing pink or white flowers. The Jade Plant is drought-tolerant and easy to care for, making it a popular choice for container gardens. It can be grown indoors or outdoors in pots or planters. 

Aloe Vera

Consider aloe vera if you want a low-maintenance plant to add to your container garden. This succulent grows well in potting mix that drains well and in the shade. Aloe vera is drought tolerant and doesn’t require much water, making it the perfect plant for those who often forget to water their plants. This plant has medicinal properties and can be used to soothe skin irritations.


Basil is a popular pot herb. It’s easy to grow, and the leaves can be used in many dishes. Basil needs moist soil and should be fertilized every two weeks. The foliage will turn yellow if it doesn’t get enough sun or if the soil is too dry.


Rosemary is a popular herb grown for its fragrant foliage. The plant is also edible and can be used in cooking. Rosemary grows best in USDA zone 9 but can be grown as a house plant in colder climates. The plant prefers well-drained soil and full sun. Rosemary can be propagated by division or from stem cuttings.


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Hostas are a great addition to any container garden. They are perfect for adding colour and interest to shady areas, and their foliage is beautiful and versatile. Wide varieties of Hosta are available to find the perfect one for your needs. They grow well in a pot and don’t require much care or maintenance. Be sure to water them regularly and give them some fertilizer during the growing season.

African Violet

African Violets are small pot plants that don’t take up a lot of space and have beautiful flowers and foliage. You can move them around to different locations according to your needs. African Violets are also relatively easy to care for and can be kept indoors or outdoors.


Pansy (viola x wittrockiana) is a versatile flowering plant that can be grown in a pot or a container. Pansies have attractive foliage and flowers in various colours, making them a popular choice for gardeners. Pansies prefer cooler weather and can be planted in early fall or late winter. They grow best in moist, well-drained soil and full sun to partial shade.


Source: google

Geraniums are an excellent choice for container gardens, as they have beautiful foliage and blooms. They come in various colours and can be planted in pots that provide shade or sun. Geraniums prefer moist soil, so water them regularly, especially during summer.


Lobelia (Lobelia cardinalis) is a beautiful perennial plant with striking red flowers and foliage that provide interest even when the plant is not in bloom. Lobelia prefers shade but will also grow in part sun. It makes a great addition to a container garden on a porch or patio.


Celosia (Celosia argentea) is an annual plant, meaning it will die at the end of the growing season but return the following year. Celosia is easy to grow and does well in full sun or partial shade. The flowers come in various colours, including pink, red, yellow, and white. They are about 3-4 inches wide and make a great addition to any garden.


Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) are annual flowers that can be grown in pots or containers. They grow best in moist, well-drained soil. Snapdragon flowers come in many colours, including red, pink, orange, yellow, white, and purple. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and range from 1 to 2 inches wide.

Tips For Success With Small-Pot Gardening


Container plants need to be watered more frequently than plants in the ground, as the soil in containers dries out much more quickly. How often to water depends on the climate, container type, and plant type. Most plants need watering daily in hot weather and every other day in cool weather.


When selecting a fertilizer for your container garden, choose one specifically designed for potted plants. Many fertilizers contain a blend of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, but specific formulas are also made for container gardens.

One thing to remember when using fertilizer in a container garden is that you don’t need to use it as much as in a traditional garden plot. A little goes a long way, so start with just 1 or 2 teaspoons per gallon of potting soil and adjust from there.


One of the things to consider when gardening in containers is the light needs of the plants. Most plants need direct sunlight daily, but too much direct sun can scorch their leaves. Plants also need bright indirect light for part of the day. You can provide this light by placing your container garden near a window or door with indirect sunlight. A north-facing window is ideal, but an east- or west-facing window will work, too. You can supplement with artificial light if you don’t have a sunny spot in your home.


Container gardening is a great way to add plants to your home without taking up much space. You can use any container, from a large pot to a small planter. What’s great about container gardening is that you can choose the plants that will grow best in your climate and the size of your container.

Now that you know all these wonderful indoor plants for small pots, you can begin amassing your collection or adding to it. Small pots give you more freedom to be inventive with what you use and where you put them.

Check out PlantJudo for more!


What is the best way to keep container plants flowering for as long as possible?

One thing to try is adding a little fertilizer to the water. This will help the plants get the nutrients they need to keep blooming. Try trimming off the dead flowers, which will encourage new growth. If you live in a warm climate, move your containers into the shade during the hottest day. This will help keep them from getting too hot and wilting.

What are some benefits of container gardening?

Container gardening is becoming a popular way to garden. It has many benefits over traditional in-ground gardening. 

You can control soil quality, which is important for plants that require specific soil types. Additionally, you can choose what type of plants to grow.

Container gardening is perfect for people with limited space or poor soil. You can place containers anywhere, including roofs and balconies.

Plants can be easily watered in a container garden. They can be watered directly or with a hose. For busy people, this is especially helpful.

How can i get started with container gardening

The first step to container gardening is choosing the right container. You’ll want something big enough to hold the plants you want to grow, with drainage holes so the water can escape. Clay pots are a good option because they allow air circulation.

Next, you’ll need to choose some soil. You can buy potting mix specifically for containers or make your own by mixing equal parts of potting soil, compost, perlite or vermiculite. Then it’s time to pick your plants! You can grow vegetables, flowers, and even herbs in containers.