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15 Best Plants For An Office Desk With No Windows

It is possible to use plants in an office setting without windows. These plants can be placed on any desk and will help bring in some much-needed natural light and fresh air.Some of the best plants for an office desk without windows include the following:

Snake Plant

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If you want plants that won’t take up much space or need little care but still give your desk a bit of personality, consider getting a snake plant. Snake plants can grow rapidly and are hard to kill, so they’re perfect for people who work in offices with no windows. They also make great floor plants if you have a lot of floor space to spare.

Peace Lily

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This plant is ideal for offices with little sunlight or ventilation. Its low-maintenance requirements make it a good choice for those short on time. Plus, its calming properties can help reduce stress levels in the workplace.

Parlor Palm

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Parlor palms make great desktop plants because they’re low-maintenance and offer many benefits. They require little water, so they’re ideal for offices with limited water resources. Their long leaves create a lush look, and their large fronds can provide shade or privacy.

Dumb Cane

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This plant is great for any office because it’s low-maintenance and doesn’t take up much space. You can even keep it in a pot if you want. This is the perfect plant for people who are always on the go!

English Ivy

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English ivy is a great option if you’re looking for plants that can help reduce stress. This vigorous plant can grow up to 3 feet tall and has glossy green leaves resistant to pests and decay. English ivy is a great choice if you want a plant that will look good while performing its intended task.

Philodendron Plant

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These plants are incredibly easy to care for and add much-needed greenery to any workspace. Not only do they make great decor, but they also provide natural air purification and stress relief. If you’re looking for a low-maintenance option, a philodendron is definitely the way to go.

Bamboo Palm

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These low-maintenance plants typically don’t require much water, making them ideal for offices where water conservation is important. Additionally, bamboo palms are attractive additions to any workspace and can help improve air quality.

Jade Plant

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Jade plants are great choices as they provide some privacy and can help reduce energy costs. These easy-to-care-for plants can survive in low light and don’t need a lot of water. You can also move them to fresh air if necessary.

Dragon Tree

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The dragon tree is one of the best plants for an office with no windows. This tree is native to subtropical and tropical areas and can grow up to 30 feet tall. Its narrow leaves and tall stem make it perfect for clustering, and its branches are strong enough to support a laptop or book.

Money Tree

Source: google

This easy-to-care-for plant is perfect for an office with limited window space. Not only does it remove toxins from the air, but the glossy green leaves also give your desk a fresh look.

Fishbone Cactus

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These plants are great for an office with no windows because they don’t need sunlight and they don’t need a lot of water. They also tend to be low-maintenance, perfect for an office without much time to spend on upkeep.


Source: google

Dracaena is a great option if you want something easy to care for that will add some height and colour to your desk. It needs very little water and can be placed anywhere.


Source: google

The peperomia is a succulent plant with a green, fleshy stem and leaves. The leaves are ovate and have serrated edges. The peperomia is easy to care for and can grow in various conditions, including low-light environments. Additionally, peperomia is tolerant of various soil types and pH levels. This makes it an ideal plant for individuals who want an easy-to-care-for option without sacrificing quality or aesthetics.

Aloe Vera

Source: google

Aloe vera is another great option for offices without much natural light or ventilation. It requires very little water and can tolerate low temperatures, making it a good choice for winter months when the windows are closed.


If you don’t have windows in your office, consider a plant that can grow in low light. These plants can add much-needed greenery to an otherwise bare desk and make great conversation starters if you have visitors. If you have windows, consider adding some plants that can tolerate light deprivation, like dracaena or philodendron. They’ll still look beautiful and provide some much-needed humidity and airflow.

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How do I bring nature into a windowless office?

Bringing nature into a windowless office can be done in various ways.

  • One way is to use plants or flowers in your work area.
  • Another way is to set up a naturalistic desk with plants and rocks.
  • A final way is to find pieces of nature that can be placed in your office as decoration, such as a plant stand or vase full of fresh flowers.


How do the best plants for office desks improve air quality in an office without windows? 

Plants provide several benefits to air quality in an office setting. They can reduce the air’s moisture and dust, reducing allergies and asthma symptoms. They can act as natural filters, removing harmful pollutants from the air. Research has shown that plants can improve air quality by up to 71%.

How do you keep plants alive in a windowless room?

If you’re one of the souls who must keep plants alive in a windowless room, here are three tips to help:

  • Add light: A sunny window or artificial light will give your plants enough sunlight and energy to grow.
  • Choose the right plant: Some plants thrive in low-light conditions, while others need bright light. Choose a plant capable of adapting to your environment and determine what lighting it needs.
  • Get creative: If you can’t add light or your plant doesn’t like the type of light you have, try growing herbs in a water glass or using a fluorescent tube to supplement natural sunlight.