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Top 14 Perfect East-Facing Window Plants

East-facing window plants can be hard to find, but they are worth the search. These plants thrive on bright, indirect light. Keeping them away from direct sunlight and direct contact with the glass is important.

This section includes 14 different suggestions for east-facing window plants. Some of these plants have drought-tolerant characteristics and can even grow in cold climates, making them perfect for windows in your home.

Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) is one of the best plants for the east-facing window. This palm has many uses, such as creating a Stealth Garden to increase privacy and protect the window from view. It can also be used as an indoor plant as it produces a high yield and has a long life span.

Japanese Fatsia (Fatsia Japonica)

Japanese fatsia (Fatsia japonica) has many benefits. This indoor plant can help keep your home cool and pleasant, receive natural light, and attract birds. Additionally, fatsia can be used in landscaping or as a garden ornament.

Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera Deliciosa, Monstera Adansonii)

The Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa, Monstera adansonii) is one of the best indoor plants that grow well in warm climates. Additionally, its height means that it can reach high levels of growth and therefore provides plenty of shade for your plants. The Swiss Cheese Plant also features beautiful flowers that are a nice addition to your garden.

Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus Lyrata)

Fiddle leaf fig is a well-known plant for east-facing window applications. It has many benefits, including being an attractive addition to any room, providing shade and cooling during the summer months, and adding a touch of elegance to any home.

Umbrella Tree (Schefflera)

Umbrella Tree (Schefflera) is one of the best plants for east-facing windows. This ornamental plant has many benefits, such as providing shade and protecting against the harsh direct sun. In addition, Umbrella Tree is a great choice for those who want to decorate their home with a colourful addition.

Hoya Plant (Hoya Carnosa)

To many people, the common name for this plant is Hoya carnosa. This plant’s numerous benefits include the following:

  • Reducing glare.
  • Increasing the overall window’s efficiency.
  • Giving the home an elegant look.


Calathea is a perfect plant for east facing window. It can help capture the direct sun’s rays while also providing shade. Its drought-resistant nature makes it a good choice for areas that experience harsh weather conditions.

Prayer Plant (Maranta)

Maranta is a prayer plant that is one of the best plants for east-facing windows in both climate and appearance. It has many benefits that include providing beauty, comfort, and security. Additionally, it can be grown in containers or as an outdoor plant.

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis)

Moth orchids are best for this location because they greatly benefit your home. For one, they produce beautiful flowers that often attract pollinators and can help improve your window’s look. Additionally, moth orchids are also great plants for growing in containers. If you have a shady spot in your home and want to add extra direct light to your window, these plants are the perfect options!

Flamingo Flower (Anthurium)

If you live in an east-facing window and are looking for plants that will brighten your room, look no further than the flamingo flower. This beautiful plant is one of the best options because it can significantly brighten your room without removing your window’s beauty. Its flowers are also known to have some therapeutic benefits.

Flaming Katy )Kalanchoe Blossfeldiana)

Flaming Katy enjoys high humidity and has a bright, fiery colour. It also produces large, blooming flowers that can be seen from a great distance.

Purple Shamrock (Oxalis Triangularis)

Purple Shamrock is a beautiful and helpful plant for east-facing window panes. It has many benefits, such as providing aesthetics, adding green colour to your home, and aiding in keeping the windows cool. You can use Purple Shamrock to decorate your windows or place it next to them for extra cooling relief.


Peperomia is one of the best plants for east-facing windows. It benefits from exposure to sunlight, has a strong root system, and can tolerate a wide range of soils. 

Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)

The Boston Fern is a fern that can be used in many ways to improve the appearance of your home. The harder, more durable leaves grow on the ends of the fern, making it a good choice for locations subject to direct sunlight. Additionally, the Boston Fern produces beautiful white flowers during the summer months.


The best plants for east-facing windows are those that can withstand the sun. Because the sun’s rays directly hit them, they must deal with its heat. Thus, they won’t burn easily or wilt.

Plants that face east will also enhance the effect of nature’s direct light on your windows. If you want a naturally lit home, consider planting east-facing plants.

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Is east facing window good for plants?

East-facing windows are generally the best for plants. They provide a lot of sunlight and warmth during the day, which is crucial for plants. East-facing windows also get a lot of sunlight in the morning, when plants need it most. However, east-facing windows have disadvantages, like lack of privacy and difficulty controlling temperature.

How can I choose the right plants for my east-facing window?

With the changing seasons, thinking about what plants you want to put in your home is important. Plants can help purify the air, provide a beautiful backdrop and add a unique touch to any space.

The plants you choose should be able to withstand the sun and other elements of nature and thrive in the conditions they are placed in. 

You should also consider how much time you must devote to caring for them. Some plants can take up much time and energy, while others require little maintenance.

What are some benefits of growing plants in an east-facing window?

Plants need light from the sun to grow and thrive, but there are some benefits of growing plants in an east-facing window. For example, plants can take advantage of the morning sun and will not have to use as much energy for photosynthesis during the day. Another benefit is that you can enjoy the flowers more since they will be able to receive more sunlight during their blooming period.