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The 10 Best Low-Light Plants That Can Thrive In A Dark Bedroom

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There’s something oddly satisfying about curling up with a good book in a dark bedroom. It’s like escaping the world’s harsh realities for a little while. That’s why you should add some plants to your bedroom to make it feel more like home–even if the light is always low. 

Dark bedrooms can be depressing, but they can also be bright and cheerful with the right plants—no need to give up on plants when natural light is scarce. If you’re looking for plants, consider some of the following options. Some of the best low-light plants can thrive in a dark bedroom. 

Here are 10 of the best:

ZZ Plant

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It’s no secret that plants bring life and freshness to any room. But what if you have a bedroom with little to no natural light? Enter the ZZ plant, a low-light superstar that can thrive in even the darkest spaces.

Native to Africa, the ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) boasts thick, waxy leaves, making it incredibly resilient to neglect and low-light conditions. It is often called the “eternal plant” because of its ability to survive for months without water or sunlight. 

The ZZ plant is also low-maintenance and easy to care for, making it an ideal choice for busy individuals who want a touch of greenery in their bedrooms.


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Pothos, a popular houseplant, is ideal for adding a touch of greenery to any space. But what makes it truly special is its ability to thrive in low-light conditions. If you’re looking for a plant that can survive in even the darkest corners of your home, look no further than the pothos.

Pothos plants can grow in almost any lighting condition, making them an excellent choice for rooms with little natural light, such as bedrooms or basements.

Snake Plant

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If you’re looking for a low-light plant that can thrive in a dark bedroom, the snake plant might be a perfect choice! This versatile and easy-to-care-for plant is known for surviving in low-light conditions. It’s also great at purifying the air, making it an excellent addition to any room.

They have adapted to grow under trees and other shaded areas in their natural habitat, so they are well-suited for low-light environments. Too much direct sunlight can harm these plants, so placing them in a shaded area is ideal.


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Monstera is a tropical plant that has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Not only is it visually stunning with its large, glossy leaves, but it’s also one of the best low-light plants out there! If you struggle to keep plants alive in your bedroom due to minimal natural light, Monstera is the solution you’ve been looking for.

One of the key reasons why Monstera thrives in low-light environments is that it evolved to grow on jungle floors where sunlight was scarce. It doesn’t require as much direct sunlight as other plants to survive. Too much sun can damage its leaves!

Cast Iron Plant

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The cast iron plant, or aspidistra elatior, is a beautiful and hardy evergreen perfect for the indoors. It’s known for its ability to thrive in low-light conditions making it an excellent choice for those who want to add some greenery to their dark bedroom. This plant has been used in homes and offices for centuries because of its versatility and low maintenance requirements.

These plants are also great air purifiers, so they will brighten up your space and improve the air quality, which is essential when spending time indoors.

Staghorn Fern

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Next is staghorn fern. This unique plant is known for its ability to grow in the shade, making it perfect for those who don’t have much natural light in their home. Staghorn ferns are so adaptable that they can survive in bathrooms with low lighting.

One of the most appealing things about staghorn ferns is their distinctive appearance. With fronds resembling antlers and a unique growth pattern, these plants will make a statement in any room. Plus, they’re relatively easy to care for – simply mist them with water once or twice a week and provide indirect sunlight.

Lucky Bamboo

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Lucky bamboo is a beautiful plant that has become very popular recently, and for a good reason. This plant is stunning and incredibly easy to care for, making it perfect for those who want to add some greenery to their home without investing too much time into maintaining it. What’s more, lucky bamboo can thrive in low-light conditions, making it the perfect choice for bedrooms that don’t get a lot of natural light.

English Ivy

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Next is English ivy (Hedera helix). It is an evergreen vine that can be grown indoors or outdoors. It’s known for its ability to climb walls and trellises outdoors, but it makes an excellent hanging plant or trailing centrepiece when grown inside. What makes English ivy so great for dark bedrooms is its adaptability: it can handle a wide range of bright light conditions and still thrive.

Spider Plant

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Spider Plant is one of the best low-light plants that can thrive in a dark bedroom. This plant is perfect for those who want to add some greenery to their bedrooms but don’t have access to natural light. Spider Plant requires very little bright light and can survive even in the darkest corners of your room. It’s an excellent air purifier, producing oxygen while removing harmful toxins such as formaldehyde and xylene.

Heart-Leaf Philodendron

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Heart-Leaf Philodendron is a stunning plant that has taken the interior design world by storm. It has glossy, heart-shaped leaves that add a touch of tropical elegance to any space and is incredibly low-maintenance and easy to care for.

This hardy plant can survive even in dark corners and dimly lit spaces, making it perfect for those who want greenery in their room without sacrificing sleep quality. It’s also known for being an air-purifying plant, which means you’ll enjoy cleaner air and better health.


People often shy away from plants in dark bedrooms because they fear they won’t get enough light. However, some indoor plants can thrive in low-light conditions. These ten indoor plants can provide a relaxing and calming environment in any bedroom.

Choosing the right low-light plants can be daunting, but the process becomes much simpler with these picks. These plants can help brighten any dark bedroom and provide much-needed humidity.


Can snake plants live in dark rooms?

Snake plants are one of the few houseplants that thrive in low-light environments. They have adapted to survive in shaded areas of their native tropical regions, such as West Africa. While they may not grow as quickly or robustly without adequate light, they can still live and thrive.

What plants are not good for a room with no sunlight?

Flowering plants like orchids and hibiscus require ample sunlight to produce flowers. These plants need at least six hours of sunlight daily to bloom beautifully. They will grow weak and leggy stems with few or no blooms if they do not get enough sunlight.

Which indoor plant gives oxygen at night?

One such plant is the Sansevieria or Snake Plant. This striking plant has long, thin leaves with yellow edges, making it a beautiful addition to any room. It releases oxygen at night and removes toxins from the air, making it an ideal choice for those with allergies or respiratory issues.