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10 Best Container Plants That Thrive In South Florida

cucumber seedlings in small containers, planting, transplant seedling, homeplant, vegetables
cucumber seedlings in small containers, planting, transplant seedling, homeplant, vegetables

South Florida has a very hot climate. The weather is always warm, with lots of sunshine. Growing specific plants is a great way to ease the heat. Plants can make a room look more aesthetically pleasing and relieve air conditioning.

Container plants are a great way to add colour, fragrance, and humidity to any room in your home. They can be moved around as needed so that you can enjoy them from morning until night.  

Many plants can add warmth and life to a space, each with its unique benefits. Some plants purify the air, while others provide natural shade. No matter what plant you choose, adding some greenery to your home will make it more comfortable and inviting.

While many plant types can be used in this way, here are 10 of our favourite container plants that will survive the summer heat in South Florida.

Tropical Milkweed

Tropical Milkweed is perfect for those living in South Florida because it thrives in warm weather and does not require much maintenance. It is one of the easiest plants to grow, requiring only light watering and occasional deadheading. 

The leaves are small but fragrant, and the flowers are tubular with five petals. Tropical Milkweed can also be grown indoors under lights, making it a great choice for those who live in apartments or condos.

Blue Potato Bush

Blue potato bush (Dioscorea villosa) is a popular container plant that can breeze through the summer heat in South Florida. This fast-growing shrub has blue-green leaves and produces blue flowers in late summer. It grows to 3 to 4 feet tall and can be kept small by cutting back its branches every few years.

This shrub grows quickly and densely, making it a great choice for container plants. Not only does it survive the summer heat well, but it also produces plentiful blooms that are a beautiful addition to any garden.


Purple and green Passion flower
Purple and green Passion flower

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is a hardy tropical plant that thrives in hot climates. The leaves are small, and the flowers are large, making them perfect for container gardening. Passionflower can be grown indoors or outdoors in the south Florida sun. It can breeze through the heat with its wide range of colours and showy flowers. Passionflower makes a great addition to any landscape, providing year-round interest.


Angelonia is a popular container plant perfect for South Florida’s summer heat. This low-maintenance, easy-to-grow plant will withstand the sun and humidity of summer weather. Angelonia also does well in pots and enjoys the partial shade.

This hardy and easy-to-grow container plant is perfect for those who want to add lush greenery to their home without worrying about watering or tending to it during the summer. Angelonia thrives in heat and can be kept indoors year-round in climates with mild winters.


Agave is a succulent plant best suited for South Florida’s summer weather. This cactus-like plant can tolerate temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Agaves are drought-tolerant and require little water, making them a great choice for container plants.

They also do not need much care and can be left alone most of the time. This succulent has a long bloom season so that you can enjoy its beautiful flowers all summer. Additionally, agave is a low-maintenance plant, requiring little water or care.


Mandevilla, also known as the bachelor’s buttons or the wild jasmine, is a hardy container plant that can survive the summer heat in South Florida. Mandevilla grows best in full sun and well-drained soil. It does not tolerate waterlogged soils or heavy clay soils. This easy-to-grow plant can be propagated from cuttings taken in late winter or early spring.


Lantana is a popular container plant that is perfect for South Florida summers. These plants can withstand temperatures up to 104 degrees Fahrenheit, which is great for when the heat index rises in summer. This versatile shrub can tolerate heat and humidity well, making it a good choice for yards and patios. Lantana is also easy to care for and doesn’t require much maintenance.


Sticky blue flowers if Plumbago auriculata, also known as Cape Leadwort.
Sticky blue flowers if Plumbago auriculata, also known as Cape Leadwort.

Plumbago is a popular container plant that can breeze through summer’s heat in south Florida. This evergreen shrub has glossy, dark green leaves and clusters of small white flowers in late spring. It grows up to 6 feet tall and wide, making it a great choice for smaller spaces. Although Plumbago can be difficult to care for, growing and thriving in most conditions is easy.

Sky Vine

Sky Vine (Cordyline australis) is one of the best container plants that breeze through summer’s heat in South Florida. This evergreen shrub grows to be about 4 feet tall and has small, oval leaves that are green on the top and bottom, with a white stem. The flowers are small but bloom continuously from May to September, making this plant perfect for busy gardens.

Blue Salvia

Blue sage (Salvia azurea) is a hardy perennial that thrives in South Florida’s warm and humid climate. Blue sage is the best container plant for those who want to breeze through summer’s heat. These plants can tolerate temperatures up to 95 degrees Fahrenheit but should be kept from direct sunlight. A sunny windowsill or patio is a great place to grow this easy-to-care-for plant.


South Florida is notorious for its scorching summer heat. However, you can easily breeze through these temperatures with the right plants. Summertime in South Florida can be unbearable, with the temperatures soaring over triple digits. If you’re looking for a plant that can help you breeze through these scorching months, look no further than these plants.

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What potted plants do well in the heat?

Some succulents like Aloe Vera and Sempervivum do well in hot weather because they have thick fleshy leaves that help them absorb moisture. These plants also have a relatively low water requirement, so they are good for potting in dry conditions.

What grows well in full sun-poor soil?

Many plants that grow well in full sun-poor soil do so because they are hardy and have shallow root systems. Some of the best plants for this environment include dandelions, thistles, burdock, chicory, and lambs quarters. Other plants that may do well in this situation include lupine, chamomile, and phlox wildflowers.

What plant blooms year-round in Florida?

Many plant species bloom year-round in Florida, including orchids, bougainvillaea, jasmine, and camellias. These plants require less maintenance than garden plants and can be placed in any location in the home.