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11 Best Plants That Grow Well In Afternoon Sun 

Plants in pots on the window sill
Plants in pots on the window sill

Growing plants in the hot afternoon sun can be difficult. The heat from the sun can make it difficult for the plant to take in moisture and energy, which can prevent the plant from growing.

The heat can also cause the soil to dry out, making it difficult for the plant to root. If these problems are not addressed, the plants may not survive.

But few plants thrive well in the hot, blazing afternoon sun! The warm afternoon sun allows the plants to grow and reach their full potential.

11 Of The Best Plants To Grow In The Afternoon Sun


First on the list are Sunflowers. Sunflowers are a type of flower that typically grows in indirect sunlight. They can reach their peak bloom production when grown in the afternoon sun. Sunflowers are natives of North America and parts of Europe. They were historically used as calla lilies and continue to be popular today. Sunflowers produce flowers with five petals that are held up by a stalk. The name “sunflower” is derived from the Latin word sol (sun).

They are the best plant to grow well in the afternoon sun. They have small, bright flowers with long stalks. They are also valued for their bright colours and ability to grow in almost any soil.


Petunias is a small, evergreen shrub that can grow well in the warm afternoon sun. The petunias are dark green when young but turn light green as they age. Petunias have fragrant flowers that are attractive to bees and other insects.

Petunias can grow well in the afternoon sun. They have large, Rosa-like flowers, deeply lobed petals, and bright green leaves. Petunias are hardy plants that can survive in many different climates.


Alyssum is a beautiful, easy-to-grow flower found in the afternoon sun. This plant loves warmth and plenty of sunlight, so it thrives in warm climates. Although a little larger than some other plants, Alyssum can easily take up space in a garden. Alyssum is the best plant that can grow well in the afternoon sun. This lily prefers hot, sunny climates and will thrive outside in direct sunlight. Alyssum produces small, white flowers that are easy to identify and enjoy.


Bougainvillea and blue sky
Bougainvillea and blue sky

Bougainvillea is a beautiful plant that can grow well in the afternoon sun. It’s evergreen and drought resistant, making it perfect for hot climates. The leaves are narrow and ovate, with long petioles. It blooms profusely during the summer and produces an impressive yield of flowers. This best plant for a patio or garden can survive the freeze-thaw cycle.


Hibiscus is one of the best plants that grow well in the afternoon sun. It needs a bit of light during the morning and early afternoon hours to thrive, but once it gets some light, it will bloom and produce beautiful blue or purple flowers. Hibiscus is also drought tolerant, so if you have a spot in your garden to place it during the hottest part of the day, you’re good to go!

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is the best plant to grow well in the afternoon sun. Aloe Vera can resist pests and diseases, making it ideal for home decoration or garden needs. 

This plant is so popular that it has even made it into sunglasses and sunscreen products. Aloe vera can handle full sunlight thanks to its strong growth habit without becoming overgrown or wilting. Additionally, the deep green colour of this plant will match almost any environment.


If you live in an area where the sun is available all day long, Pelargonium is a must-have plant. This hardy perennial can grow well in full sun or part Shade.

Pelargonium blooms in many colours, including white and pink, during summer. Pelargonium is a great plant to grow in the afternoon sun. It thrives in dry climates and loves lots of moisture, so it can easily survive in the Southwest. Plus, its spindly branches make it easy to care for.


Look no further than daylilies if you are looking for the best plant to grow in your backyard under the afternoon sun. These plants thrive in moderate to full sunlight and can reach up to 18 inches tall. 

Daylilies are perfect if you want to enjoy natural colour at the bottom of your garden or create a beautiful focal point on a porch or patio. They have a long, slender stems covered with small, white flowers. Daylilies are easy to care for and make beautiful flowery displays in any room.


Closeup of Honey bee on coneflowers

We all know that we need some sun to grow our plants. But many people don’t know that coneflowers are the best sun-tolerant plants. Coneflowers can thrive in the afternoon sun, even if their location is shaded. Coneflowers are a type of flower with long and narrow petals. 

They are sometimes called bell flowers because they have a “bell” shape on their stem. The flowers of these plants come in many colours, including yellow, green, red, and purple.

If you want to grow your coneflower collection, finding clones or seeds taken from flowers in full sunlight is important. This way, you’ll get some beautiful flowers while still getting some growth out of your plants!


Peonies are beautiful flowers that can be grown in various colours and styles. They are also a great plant for the afternoon sun. Peonies have fragrant petals and bright, colourful flowers. They make a beautiful addition to any garden. Peonies are a great choice for the best plant growing well in the afternoon sun. They are easy to care for and produce beautiful flowers.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant is the best plant to grow well in the afternoon sun. It gets high in quality biomass and good growth rates in direct sunlight. It has a spreading habit, and the leaves are green and smooth. The plant is easy to care for and can be grown in pots or containers.

Snake Plant is a very easy-to-grow plants in any part of the world. It is a great plant for those backyards that have afternoon sun.


Growing plants in the afternoon are difficult because it is a time when the sun is shining and the temperature is hot. People usually try to grow plants during the daytime, but sometimes the plant cannot grow properly because of the sun’s heat.

Knowing what plants can thrive well in the sun’s heat is necessary to grow plants in the afternoon.

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What shrubs can tolerate the afternoon sun?

The shrubs that grow in the afternoon sun are usually evergreen shrubs. Evergreen shrubs can tolerate the afternoon sun because they have high water content and thick bark. The most common evergreen shrubs are arborvitae, boxwood, false cypress, holly, juniper, wintercreeper, azalea and rhododendron.

What potted plants do well in extreme heat?

Different potted plants have different requirements for their environment. Some are better at tolerating heat, while others need cold weather. Here is a list of plants that do well in extreme heat:

  • Aloe Vera is a succulent plant with thick fleshy leaves and spines. The leaves are used in herbal medicine to treat burns, wounds, and ulcers.
  • Dracaena: This plant has heart-shaped, leathery leaves with dense foliage. It does well in low-light conditions and doesn’t require much watering or fertilisation.
  • Peace Lily: This plant is an evergreen perennial that can tolerate low light levels and requires little water to survive. It also doesn’t require much fertiliser besides what it gets from the soil.

What flower does best in the afternoon sun?

Sunflowers, the sunniest flower of all, enjoy direct sunlight. They require at least six hours of direct sunlight daily to produce those enormous yellow flowers. These resilient plants bloom in the summer and fall and are versatile.